Page 69 of A Christmas Maker

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A second ticks by before Thorin moves towards me. His body collides with mine as his mouth stakes his claim. There’s something about the way he kisses with wild abandon that settles something in my chest. At this moment I have his sole focus as he runs his hands all over me like he can’t get enough of touching me.

He angles our bodies until we topple over on the couch, laying down across the cushions, our limbs tangled together. Thorin’s hand sneaks down my body, his fingers brushing over my clit briefly before he slips his fingers through my wetness.

“Mm, that feels nice,” I moan as my thighs fall open to give him better access.

“You’re soaked,” he muses.

I laugh softly. “That’s what happens when you make me orgasm spectacularly.”

Thorin gives me a cocky grin before moving his hand away so he can settle his cock between my folds. He leans forward, sliding himself a few times through my wetness before settling the tip of his cock at my entrance. “Ready?”

Like he even needs to ask. I reach up, placing my hands on his shoulders as my legs open further, my knees clenching his ribs as soon as he settles into place. Then, with a swift motion, he drives his cock deep.

My nails score into his flesh at the sudden ruthless tempo he fucks me to. His biceps bunch as he flexes, his head dropping down into my neck on a moan. I feel the swipe of his tongue against the side of my throat before his teeth sink into my sink like I’m a possession.

“Thorin!” I moan.

He removes his teeth, but I feel the chuckle his breath leaves in its wake. “What?” Pure amusement filters in my ear.

“Don’t leave a hickey. We aren’t sixteen.”

“Speak for yourself,” he grunts, his teeth nabbing my flesh once again. He adds a sharp thrust, my mind forgetting to admonish him as my orgasm creeps closer. My body feels hot, beginning to slick with sweat the same as Thorin’s above me. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me tight, Bex. I’m not going to last long.”

He stops for a moment, angering me briefly as he adjusts his pace. His lips capture mine right as he moves again. This time he’s hitting a spot I’ve not yet discovered, similar to the one before. It feels like my body is burning up, the air in my lungs trapped as the sensation spreads swiftly like a tidal wave. There’s no precursor to the orgasm about to take me over. A split second later I shatter, screaming his name as my limbs tighten, wanting to hold his weight on top of me even though he’s not yet done.

Thorin mutters something I can’t hear over the rush in my head, but his hips continue their brutal rhythm. He grabs my thigh, holding it out at an angle that pushes him somehowdeeper. I swear he’s trying to bury himself inside of me where no one else can ever reach.

A few moments slip by as I ride out the warmth of my orgasm before Thorin grunts, his face dropping into my neck again as he sags his full weight down onto my body. I cling to him, enjoying the sporadic moment of pleasure we just partook in. A girl could get used to random rendezvous in private offices.

“Am I crushing you?” he murmurs.

My arms tighten briefly, but I feel him starting to slide out of my body and away, so I reluctantly let him go. “No.” I’d pout, but my limbs feel too heavy and my heart’s beating an uneven rhythm in my ears. I sigh as I look up at the ceiling of his office.

“Are you alright?” he asks, sitting at the end of the couch, one of my legs still thrown over his lap. He worries his lip between his teeth for a second. “Was it good?”

A laugh escapes at the unsure look on his face. “Yes, Thorin, it was good. Give me a minute to get feeling back in my legs.”

Suddenly his worried expression shifts to the cocky man I’ve come to expect. “Do you need help freshening up?”

My cheeks flare red again. “No, I can do it.” In a minute. When my body decides it wants to work again. Seconds slip by before I right myself, sitting across from him, both of us naked and uncaring as our eyes stare at one another. “Washroom?”

“Private one is through there,” he points towards a door in the far corner. He eyes my ass as I stand up. “Are you alright if we take the food to go? I think we should continue this somewhere with a bed. I didn’t realize how fucking small this couch is.”

“Didn’t anticipate screwing anyone on it?” I chuckle as I move past him.

“No,” he answers bluntly. “I think you’re the only person I would willingly skip a meeting for if it meant I got to fuck you in my office again.” His brown eyes heat as he rakes them over my bare flesh. “Better hurry up, I’m not letting you out of bed until we have to leave for your grandmother’s tomorrow.”

Now there’s a plan I can fully get behind. I step into the bathroom, thankful my neck isn’t barring any red marks as I make my way to the toilet to clean myself up. A smile blooms across my face as I finish, washing my hands in the sink as I stare at my naked reflection.

I look happy.

Something I haven’t been feeling a whole lot of lately. I’ve been content for so long, doing the same things over and over again hoping to bring a piece of fleeting happiness into my life. I suppose all I was missing is someone to share my time with. Someone who actually wants to be there with me and listens to what I have to say.

I didn’t realize how lonely I’ve become the past few years.

My eyes leap to Thorin’s as he opens the door, his cheeks a smidge pink as he hands me the clothes I previously took off.

One thing is for sure, I’m definitely not alone now.
