Page 74 of A Christmas Maker

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“A few of the organizations you volunteer for have asked that you and Thorin stop coming to events. A few have also outright asked that even if it’s just you coming, to please stay away until the media storm dies down,” Detrick says slowly.

I stare at him in confusion. Nothing he’s saying is making sense. Why would charities who I’ve spent years building relationships with suddenly ask me not to come? “This is all because of what Jessica said?”

“Unfortunately,” King nods his head to confirm my suspicions. “Thorin being with you, even though we’ve explained your relationship, has still not yet expressed what occurred during his birthday party. With the press following you two not only to charity events but on dates, it’s given some people the idea that Jessica’s voice holds some merit. However, this morning everyone set out a formal statement about it, so it should hopefully die down soon. The goal is to allow you to return to your volunteering schedule without the paparazzi by no later than two weeks.”

Two weeks of no events? I think I might be sick. I lean back in my chair, the room suddenly feeling a thousand degrees. “But–”

“There’s an email I released this morning as well to the company and shareholders,” Dad cuts me off. “Expressing that you are going to be taking over my position at Hastings Center when I decide to retire. And that our personal falling out is something we are currently still working through. I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but we don’t have the luxury of having time on our side in this instance.”

“Gabriel Donner has also been vocal about Jessica’s scandal,” King says. “He’s latched onto this entire storyline of Thorin being a horrible person, corrupting you, and making Jessica seem like the victimized woman in this instance. We’re doing damage control.”

How?I want to scream. How is this my life? No charity work feels like someone severed one of my limbs and told me it’s okay it might grow back soon.I’m not a starfish. Now all I want is to curl into a ball and hide under my desk for the foreseeable future.

King clears his throat, gathering my attention again. He offers me a soft, sad smile. “I understand how ingrained charity causes are in your veins. Aillard has a nonprofit his girlfriend runs to help foster children and my domestic violence shelters have access to literacy. You’re more than welcome to give your time to them if you want something to do.”

“Noel told me the church is also still welcoming you,” Dad interjects. “So there are still opportunities for you, even if they’re not as many as usual. I’m also happy to help you find any charities I might have sway in if that’s something you would like me to look into?”

I nod my head, feeling like my entire world is tilting on its axis. My voice comes out a hoarse whisper as I try to swallow back my pain at the loss of an important piece of my life. I look to King since he’s the one who always seems to have the answers. “How are we going to stop this from spinning out of control?”

“We’re going to tear them down,” King answers with conviction. “Thorin is doing a televised statement this morning which is why he isn’t here. We unfortunately had to move up the date of the interview because of the increase in outrage so he did not have time to inform you as he only learned about this twenty minutes ago. Thorin and his father are explaining how his charity work has to do with spending time with you during your busy schedule and the type of person Jessica is portraying herself to be is a lie. It’ll hurt her reputation, but at this point I could give less of a fuck what happens to her. And by dismantling her statement, it makes what Gabriel Donner says invalid.”

“Thorin will be coming by after his interview,” Detrick says, lifting his tablet for me to see. “Holly and I are already coordinating your schedules to allow more time for you two to be together.” He pauses, drawing everyone’s attention, before he hesitatingly asks, “Unless you don’t want to have more time with Thorin? I know how you are about change.”

I typically hate anything that disrupts my typical schedule. But I don’t want to shut Thorin out, even though my anxiety wants to shuteveryoneout while I cry in a ball. I shake my head at Detrick. “No, it’s okay. Coordinate what you can. But add in King and Aillard’s charities to fill in any major gaps, please.”

His reply is instant as he begins typing frantically on the device, “Of course.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Dad asks. “You look awfully pale.”

“I’ll make sure we have lunch delivered and an orange juice for her blood sugar,” Detrick announces. “She always gets really anxious and sick-like when something bad happens.”

“We’re going to fix this,” King vows. “You’re part of our inner circle now. What touches you, touches the rest of us.”

I know he’s trying to be reassuring, but I really want to throw something at his face. He must realize what I’m thinking because he smirks.

“I told Thorin I would hang around until he arrived,” King tells me. “Apparently I look too intimidating to cross, so it should make people leave you alone.”

“You’re going to add to the gossip mill,” I warn him. Even though no one would dare come up to him here, all too afraid of what might happen even though he has no sway in their jobs, people will still whisper to themselves. “They probably think we’re plotting something in here.”

“We are,” King states bluntly.

“If it’s any consolation,” Detrick interrupts, “no one thinks you’re being fired. According to the floor, everyone thinks you’re in a serious meeting about job duties you’ll be taking on since your father already announced you would be taking over his job in the future.”

Well, I suppose that’s something. At least no one’s whispering about charities not wanting to work with me or about my relationship with Thorin. Though it’s bound to happen as soon as he shows up.

Dad offers me a kind smile. “Try and see things on the bright side. I know it’s hard right now, but this will all blow over soon. Everyone supports you and Thorin finding your way back together. Soon this will be a distant memory.”

I believe him, but I hate living in this current memory right now.

Dad stands up, quickly followed by Detrick. They both give me their bestnothing is wrong, everything will work outsmiles, but the stress lines on their faces make it hard to ignore their true intent. Once the door softly closes behind them, I run a hand over my face as if it will somehow wipe away all the stress from the past thirty minutes of my life.

“Your father informed me he settled the rest of your debt,” King randomly states, eyeing me from across my desk. “How do you feel about that?”

Less awkward than if Thorin was the one to do it, but I don’t say that. “I appreciate the effort he’s making to rekindle our relationship.”

King nods. “That’s a good diplomatic answer. No doubt some reporter will ask you about it. I’m glad during all of this you were able to bring your family back together. Everyone needs someone to lean on when things seem as though they’re falling apart.”

I tilt my head as I study him. King is still very much the asshole he was in college, but he seems lighter now. I wonder if it has anything to do with Emilia. “Have you picked out a ring yet?” I ask, switching to a safer topic.
