Page 10 of Fire and Ash

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“It’s fine. Makes more sense anyway,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Come on.”

I wave goodbye to Everly and she grimaces at me before mouthing,sorry.

As I walk behind him to his car, I brace myself for what I’m assuming will be a very awkward car ride.



“This is your car?” Thomas asks as he pauses, standing a few feet away from Aphrodite.

“Mmhm,” I mutter, pulling open the trunk to toss my gym bag in. I don't even bother trying to hide my irritation. First, he shows up in my first classas my professor.Then he shows up at my rugby practice with one of my teammate’s girlfriends. And it was very fucking clear by the deer-in-headlights look on her face that she knew exactly who I terms of my connection to Thomas at least.

I should have known, really. I knew Ayers was dating a professor. Naturally, she was friends with the one I just fucked. But this isn’t going to be some double-date situation. No one on the team even knows I’m gay—except for Cullen now, I’m sure.

So when I slam the trunk closed and it echoes across the dark parking lot, Thomas gets the message.

“Listen, Pax…”

“Just get in,” I mutter.

I do a quick scan of the parking lot to make sure no one else sees me taking a guy for a ride in my car. I know I’m being paranoid. Who would think we’re fucking, just by me giving him a ride to the shop? But when you have a secret, something intimate about yourself, it’s easy to feel like they already know. Like every little choice you make is a glowing neon sign that outs you without even realizing it.

Thomas doesn’t hide his sexuality. He has a swagger that screams confident, gay man—and not just any gay man, confidentvers. Which wasn’t something I knew for sure yesterday so I had to take a gamble, not really knowing which way that was going to go.

Andfuck me, he looks good. Especially in the passenger seat of my car. Against the faded dark brown leather, he looks like a fucking meal I want to devour. In fact, he looks too fucking good for me. Too perfect, crisp and clean. He has a wealthy, sexy energy that’s designed to make me want him without ever really having him.

But I did have him. He let me fuck him yesterday, and he didn’t even know my name.

It’s a detail I loved, at first, but now as I realize this perfect man I’m suddenly pining for like a teenage girl with a crush is also a fucking whore, it makes me irrationally territorial. Does he just walk around letting everyone fuck him? Does he like it? Did I mean anything to him?

This is ridiculous. I need to avoid Thomas Litchfield at all costs, but how can I when he’s sitting next to me smelling like heaven and looking like sin.

“I want to apologize,” he says, as I rev the engine, pulling out of the parking space and moving toward the exit.

“What for?” I reply.

“Well, that’s the thing. I don’t know. Tell me why you’re upset.”

“Who said I’m upset?”

“Your behavior. The scowl on your face.” He’s being playful again, a slight lift to his lips.

“This is just my face.” I shoot him a sideways glare, and his smile disappears. I don’t know why I did that. Made him feel bad for bringing up my appearance. I’m just angry, but I honestly don’t know why.

“I’m serious, Pax. Are you worried people will find out about you?”

“Find out what?”

“You know what.”

“I don’t. Why don’t you spell it out for me, teach.” Why am I being such an asshole? Fuck, even I don’t know.

“Whatever. Look, it was an unlikely coincidence that I ended up being your teacher. I have no intention of telling anyone what happened last night and I don’t plan on letting it happen again. We can just move on.”
