Page 12 of The Sentinel

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“Probably,” King chuckled. “I should be back before we get to new cases.”

Coop followed King into his private office. As they passed her room, Coop caught a glimpse of Anabella and had a flashback to finding her fitting herself to the St. Andrew’s cross. His dick, which had been considering losing some of its rigidity went back on high alert. His dick was dreaming. Women like Anabella Foster might play at the club with a man like him, but they did not have serious relationships. Beth had proven that. Well, that probably wasn’t fair, he’d never given her any indication he wanted something more—hell, for that matter he hadn’t known it himself until he was at loose ends again.

King indicated the chair across from his desk and then closed the door. Coop took a seat and then looked at King. “Problem?”

“Yes and no. I spoke with a friend of mine who sits on one of the oversight committees. He doesn’t think there’s anything to Ms. Foster’s accusations. I couldn’t be specific, and I didn’t name names, but the Department of Defense is big on Blackwood and what they can deliver—men, weapons, intelligence. I heard the same thing from active military members.”

“I tend to believe her. She’s smart as a whip and has a first-rate reputation. She would have nothing to gain in exposing whatever Blackwood is up to. They, on the other hand, would have everything to lose.”

“You have a point. My contact seemed interested in talking to her but isn’t sure when that might happen. He asked if we could keep an eye on her until they do.”

Coop shook his head. “No way. That’s a conflict of interest, and Anabella came to us first. Besides which Seth is pretty sure he heard a single shot from a sniper rifle. He was going to check this morning, but I believe her.”

King groaned. “Why can’t we just get one case that doesn’t put us in somebody’s crosshairs?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time, and hey, it is Blackwood. That’s always fun, right?”

That made King grin. “There is that. I think you’re the best person to take lead. You’ve had more experience with Blackwood than any of us.”

Cooper didn’t tell King, but he’d already decided the case was his. The idea of anyone else giving Anabella close cover was not something he was willing to entertain.

King leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile beginning to tug at his lips. “Of course, if you feel too close to it, I can assign one of the other boys. I mean Seth might or might not have heard something, and you know the girl’s kind of frumpy and according to Seth leads a pretty dull life. So, for all we know, she’s making this shit up.”

“I don’t believe that any more than you do.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” said King with a shrug. “But if you keep her on lockdown and give her close cover, she’ll probably re-evaluate wanting to hire us, but in the interim, it’s easy money.”

“You’re an asshole, King. I wonder what Samantha would think of you calling someone like Anabella frumpy?”

“Okay, no fair siccing my wife on me. And what she’d probably do is take Anabella for a makeover, which might not be a bad thing. She and JJ both want to get their hands on Miley, and I’d hate for Fitz or me to have to kill her for breaking their faces.”

Cooper laughed. When Miley wanted to be, she could be drop-dead gorgeous. She had all the right stuff. The problem was, she didn’t want to be; she wanted to be accepted as one of the guys. Woe be unto anyone who did anything that Miley took offense to.

“If Blackwood is playing loose with the rules, and she does have proof, are you going to be able to keep a professional distance?”

“With Blackwood or with her?”

King laughed. “I think we’ve crossed that latter bridge…”

“No shit, about not getting too close, or giving the wrong definition to the term ‘close cover?’”

“From me? That would be a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? After all I married my last ‘close cover assignment.’ I won’t give you any bullshit about not letting it happen, but watch yourself and make sure you both know what you’re getting into. Any more nightmares?”

Ah, so that was what this little talk was really about. “Not really. I talked to the doc, and she’s cleared me for any and all assignments.”

“Nobody would blame you, Coop. That last assignment went sideways in a bad way, and the client is lucky you were able to get him out of there, but that had to feel way too close to what happened on your last tour. Adam’s thinking about moving back to London. I’ll need somebody to run admin for me.”

“I’m not ready to ride a desk. Besides, talking to the doc really helped. I have to admit I was skeptical…”

“That’s putting it mildly…”

Coop grinned at him. “I admit it, but the doc really gets it. Did you know she was held hostage for more than three months? She said if it hadn’t been for JJ, she might still be there. Besides this should all be stateside, and I’ll have the team to back me up.”

“If you tell me you’re okay, I’m going to go with that. If Blackwood is up to something, I think you’re the best man to ferret it out.”

“So, we’re taking her on as a client?”

“I don’t think we have a choice. If she’s right, my contact lied to me or is woefully uninformed. I doubt it’s the latter.”
