Page 50 of The Sentinel

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“Did you expect him to?” Miley waited. “Oh, shit, you did.”

“I know he’s supposed to be the Dom, and I’m supposed to submit, but he seemed willing to just let me walk away.”

“Willing? Hardly.” She shook her head. “You fit so perfectly with Coop that I forget this was your first foray in the lifestyle. You safe-worded out. That is sacrosanct to the Doms at Cerberus. There’s no fucking way he would violate that. Trust me, I’m all about putting those guys on their ass when they deserve it, but for Coop, pursuing you when you use your safeword is a violation of what he thought you had.”

“I don’t know that I can go crawling back to him on my hands and knees. And I think it’ll take a lot more than calling him and saying, ‘I fucked up.’”

“Do you love him?”

“More than anything.”

“Are you sure?” Anabella nodded; Miley grinned at her. “What if you could breach that wall? It might require being on your knees, but it will tell him everything he needs to know.”

“Do you think it will work?”

“Trust me; it’ll work. Finish your lunch; we’ve got work to do.” She fished her cell phone out of the large Coach hobo bag she always carried. “Samantha? Miley. I need you to get Mr. Grumpy Guts to the lounge at the club at eight o’clock tonight—no earlier and probably best for Anabella’s knees if it isn’t much later.” She paused. “Trust me. I got this. Just make sure he’s there. And you might want to have a temporary collar handy.” Miley ended the call and looked at Anabella. “Don’t just sit there. Finish your food. We’ve got some work to do.”

“You’re sure this will work?”

“Are you willing to go outside your comfort zone to let him know you want another chance?”


“Well then, hurry up with your food.”

Anabella smiled and put her fork down. “I’m ready.”

“Then let’s get out of here.”

“Where are we going?”

“Speak Easy. I’m going to introduce you to Madam LaSalle.”

“We’re going for a drink?”

Miley rolled her eyes. “I sometimes forget you’re a newbie. But that’s okay, Coop is one of the best. Speak Easy is a custom corset shop. Sometimes she has premade things that you can either buy off the rack or have fitted to you in a very short time. We’ll go there first. Then we’re off to get your hair and makeup done.”

“I need new color…”

“I noticed, but I have just the gal. She plays at Club Southside.”

Anabella was fairly sure no one had ever guessed that the respectable high rise on the Magnificent Mile housed one of the world’s elite custom corset shops.

As they entered Miley turned to her. “Madam knows her business, and her taste is flawless. You can trust her. I am the girl online shopping was made for. This is the only retail shop I ever set foot in.”

Anabella looked around like she had fallen down a rabbit hole into some fairytale land—corsets, fabric, trimmings, and all the rest were in abundant display.

“Miley, my darling girl,” said a tall, silver-haired woman who Anabella assumed was the owner of the shop. “Who is this you have with you?”

“This is Anabella Foster. You’re not going to believe this, but she’s Cooper’s sub.”

“Cooper doesn’t have a sub. He has women he has played with exclusively for short amounts of time, but never has anyone lit a spark of true desire in him.”

“Anabella did. And then she safe-worded out.” Madam LaSalle looked askance. “But it’s okay. She’s new to the lifestyle and didn’t get it. Anabella wants a way to let Coop know she’s all in and very sorry for her gaffe.”

“Well, I would hope so,” Madam LaSalle said, using her cane to lift Anabella’s chin. “Good bones, beautiful skin and eyes. I can see why Cooper fell for you. I think maybe a lighter palette.”

“I thought black, you know to minimize my size,” started Anabella.
