Page 49 of The Sentinel

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“Just as long as you understand, he’s not going to see it that way. He may choose not to let you in again.”

“I just can’t. I need some time and I need to be in my own space and be alone with my own thoughts and feelings.”

“I get it. Really, I do. You didn’t ask me, and we haven’t known each other very long, but I do know Coop. If he says he loves you, he does. I just wouldn’t be too rash about throwing what you could have with him away. But then, I’m slightly biased as I think of these guys as my brothers.”

“I understand, and if you don’t want to give me a lift…”

“I didn’t say that, Anabella. I said you’re the client and that puts me and the Cerberus assets at your disposal. I’m just saying that Coop’s a good guy—but he’s stubborn, proud, and… well, a guy.”

Anabella fell in beside Miley and didn’t look up when Cooper called her name. She’d hoped he’d take a hint, but he didn’t. He ran out to the helicopter pad in the back, grabbed her arm and swung her around.

“Stand down, Cooper,” said Miley, stepping between them.

“Stay out of this, Miley. You know better than to get between a Dom and his sub.”

“Don’t, Coop. Miley has nothing to do with this other than she’s doing her job. I need some time. My life is no longer in danger. I need to be in my own home with my own things.”

“Damn it, Anabella. Why are you doing this? Baby, you can’t let fear take what we have and throw it in the dumpster.”

Her head had been bowed, and now she lifted her chin to look him in the eye. “Crocodile.”



Anabella was fairly certain that the look of anguish that she saw in his eyes before he shut it down was one that would haunt her for the rest of her life. She sat in the helicopter as it returned to Chicago and then refused any help to get home.

A few days later she entered the doors to Cerberus’ building for what she was sure would be the last time. Employees walked past her without greeting her. She got it. Coop was well-liked, and she’d hurt him. They just didn’t understand and had turned their backs on her, closing ranks around a team member.

“I think this is a mistake, Anabella,” said Seth. “If he did something stupid in the heat of the moment, talk to him. I’ve known Coop for more than twenty years. If he says he’s in love and committed to making it work, he is.”

“Did you make the copies of the information from my notes and laptop that you and the Bureau need?” He nodded as he handed it over. “Am I out of this now?”

“They will most likely need you to testify, but that’s only if deals aren’t made and I suspect they will be. The illegal arms dealing could qualify them for acts of treason, which carries the very real possibility of a death sentence.”

“Thank you and thank the team for me. If you’ll send me a bill, I’ll pay it as soon as it’s received.”

“What do you think I should charge you for breaking Coop’s heart?” Seth asked.

“Seth,” growled King. “That’s enough. Anabella feels she has her reasons, and we will respect them.” He extended his hand and shook hers. “I’m glad we could help. We had our tech guys go through your house after the cottage was destroyed and made sure it’s clean of any and all electronic surveillance. If you ever need us again, or just need someone to help you process all of this, give me a call. I have some people you can talk to.”

“Thank you for everything. I’m quite sure I’d be dead if it weren’t for all of you.”

Sensing there was nothing left to say, she turned on her heel and left the building. At least she had been spared seeing Coop again. She didn’t know why people thought it was such a big deal. She’d walked away from the safehouse in Aurora almost a week ago and not once had Coop tried to reach out to her.

Locking her things safely in her vehicle, Anabella drove to one of her favorite bistros and ordered her favorite chicken Caesar pasta salad. She thought about ordering a glass of wine, but worried that if she did, she’d end up crying all the way back to her loft. She missed him—not just emotionally, but on a physical and spiritual level. Coop had become such a big part of her life in such a short amount of time.

Anabella watched as a couple entered the bistro and were shown to a premium table. Obviously, they were regulars. She watched as he held her chair, ordered wine, and made sure everything was to her liking. There might have been a time she thought he was fawning over her but watching how she responded and how connected they seemed, she knew she was watching some kind of D/s relationship. A sharp, stabbing pain clenched her heart and squeezed. She wondered if that might ever go away.

She closed her eyes but opened them when she sensed a quiet presence beside her. Hopefully she raised her head and opened her eyes. For a fleeting second, she thought it might be Coop, but it wasn’t.

“Mind if I sit down?” asked Miley.

“Not at all. Are you sure you won’t be disowned by your friends?” Realizing how bitchy it sounded as soon as the words had left her mouth, she smiled to lessen the sting.

“That’s not fair, Anabella. What did you expect them to do? Coop is well-liked, and you really knocked the wind out of him. Morose and surly doesn’t even begin to cover his current demeanor.”

“I just wanted some time. It was so fast. And he hasn’t tried to reach out, at all,” she said trying to defend herself.
