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I stared at him, and he returned the steady gaze and dared me to disagree.

“Yeah, I fucked up.”

“To be honest, it was a pretty shit plan. Who thought that one up?”

Danvers, my liaison in the FBI, my boss, my… fuck knows what he was now. I didn’t know who to trust.

“Nah,” Kayden continued, “don’t tell me I don’t want to know. But come on, skin jobs never work out well.”

I glanced at the shut door to the laundry room. Kayden was right. It wasn’t the first time I’d used my body to get what I wanted—that was the whole point of the team—but Josh broke me because it was the shittiest plan in the history of plans. Other jobs where I’d had to fuck the bad guys were distasteful but necessary, but this job was the one with Josh… we’d connected, and I’d seen the pain in him.

And his innocence.

Kayden snapped fingers in front of my face. “What can you tell me about Rouxier?”

That was a quick change in the subject, and I blinked at him, confused. “Um… you uh… you have everything we know.”

“Nah.” He scooted back and sat on a stool, his knee knocking mine. “I mean, when you look in Rouxier’s eyes, what do you see?”

“I don’t understand.”

Kayden frowned. “Okay, what do you see when you look into Josh’s eyes?”

I was immediately assailed by more than a few imaginings of Josh’s sapphire eyes. “Confusion, hurt, fear.”


“And what?”

“What’s your gut reaction to him? Like, what kind of man is Josh?”

“An innocent one.”

“And would he put himself between his kid and a bullet?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t even have to think about it. Still, this conversation was like taking a meandering walk in a forest and taking random turns that made no sense, and I was confused.

“And what if the cat—Oreo—fell in a frozen lake? Would Josh go in and get the cat out?”

“That’s oddly specific.”

“It’s a good question,” he defended.

I wasn’t sure where this was leading, but I felt Kayden was guiding our conversation carefully.

“Okay, I’ll play. Josh would likely jump in a frozen lake to rescue Oreo.”


“What do you mean, why?”

“Well, why would he want to save the cat?”

“It’s his son’s cat, and his son loves Oreo. Of course, the idiot would jump in.” And he’d better hope I was right next to him, helping him out.

“So, Josh’s focus is on his son and ensuring the kid is safe.”

