Page 16 of Sleepless Beauty

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I should be pushing him away.

I'm going to. Just another second and I will.

Then his hands fall on my shoulders as he pulls me closer to his hard, powerful chest before they settle at my hips, his fingers digging into me in a rough, delicious way that makes me moan into our kiss.

My heart is beating even faster now and there's this weird, pleasurable buzz of energy flowing through my entire body.

I'm pretty sure I would fall if not for the firm, possessive grip he has on me while he pushes me against the wall at my back, his muscular, long arms engulfing me as he kisses me even harder.

Not a single word has passed between us and I've got so many questions, but here I am kissing him back just as fiercely, my tongue clashing with his, my hands clutching at his lower back as he continues to go at my mouth. When I feel his hands move down and fully cup my ass, I gasp.

God, I don't understand any of this!

I've got so many questions…

I feel Phillip's tongue curl around mine and I shiver, my nipples furling in my bra and raking against the coarse, sturdy Kevlar of his tan turnout jacket.

To hell with questions!

I let my eyes flutter closed as he devours my mouth, his tongue savoring mine.

Up until sixty seconds ago, I was pretty sure I had exaggerated the memory of how good our first kiss felt, but damn: his lips on mine right here, right now feel every bit as good as I remembered.

I should stop this. Now.

But I don't. I can't. I don't know how to do it. The only thing I know is that my rational good-girl part can go take a hike, this feels too perfect and I want more.

So much more. I want everything.

I push further into his solid, large body, my fingers dragging up along his sides and clinging to his wall-like chest and I deepen the kiss.

Phillips trembles from head to toe, groaning into my mouth, the harsh quality of the sound coming from his throat almost turning me into a puddle at his feet as a distinctive, continuous pulsation sets my pink bits on fire.

And then suddenly my feet are dangling over the concrete floor and my thighs are spreading and climbing high around his taut hips. I wrap my arms around his neck and give myself completely over to him and his attentions. My head lolls back against the cold wall, the music, laugh, and chatter around us turning into nothing but a distant echo as we fall into each other.

I move against him, wanting to erase the last bit of space between us even if I don't know what the hell am I doing here.

I feel his hard erection nestle to my core and jolt against my sensitive lips in a way that makes me wish I could burn the clothes off of both of us with a single look.

I've never felt this way in my entire life. I need something… friction.

That's right. That's what I need.

I rock my center against the thick bulge in his pants, making him growl into my mouth and I shiver at the sensations running through me.

I feel like I'm floating.

Phillip breaks the kiss and nibbles on my lips as his hips grind into my now wet panties and when the stiff ridge of his cock slides against my clit I go off, my body bursting into a million of shivering, wonderful sensations as a moan rips from my throat.

Phillip pants, his face hidden against my shoulder. "Fuck me, little doll. Did you just—?"

"Oh, God!" I look away, feeling my face blush scarlet.

Yeah, I totally did. I just climaxed on top of a crowded rooftop during a loud Halloween party while kissing a man that's existed only in my dreams for the last seven years.

I peer around us from beyond his shoulder and I sigh in relief. We're in a pretty dark corner and no one seemed to have noticed us. Thank God.

Phillip gently clasps my chin between his fingers and turns my face back toward his. "Don't be embarrassed, baby. That was so fucking hot," he gasps on my lips, a little smile dancing in his hazel eyes as he rights the little sparkling tiara on my head.
