Page 39 of Sleepless Beauty

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Smooth, King. So smooth.

I swear under my breath again, swallowing the sudden sting of pain and I walk to our bed, gently sitting on its edge.

I look down at my little doll and I feel a grin pull at my lips.

I don't know what's going on with her, but I'm over the fucking moon that she might be pregnant.

I tickle her nose, trying to tease her awake and she grumbles my name under her breath, her little hands fisting against my chest as she tries to go back to sleep.

"Phillip, I'm tired," she whines.

I don't desist. There's no fucking way I can wait until she's up now.

I lower onto her and start to kiss her then. Full on the lips, my mouth gently coaxing hers until she's kissing me back, slowly coming awake in my arms.

I pull away when she murmurs my name again.

"Wake up, my sleeping beauty," I tease.

Sure enough, both of her eyes fly open and she gives me a little exasperated glare.

She might have come around to loving Halloween again just as I did, but no way she's ever going to get over her annoyance at being called after a Disney Princess.

"If I were Sleeping Beauty I would have ended up with a prince who let me sleep, you know," she grouses in a yawn.

I chuckle at her put-out expression. "I think you have your fairytale mixed up, love." I point at her and then at me. "Aurora. Phillip. I'm supposed to wake you up with kisses."

She rolls her eyes at me. "And I'm supposed to let you in my pants, but who knows when that's gonna happen next now."

I laugh. "First of all, you're not wearing any pants right now, love, and second, you wouldn't last a full day without getting some."

Aurora playfully slaps my chest. "Whatever. Can I know why I'm awake now?"

I nod and I show her the pregnancy test. "This bad boy fairly dropped on me."

She blushes and smiles, the hand on my chest now stroking my skin.

"Are we having another baby, love?" I ask, my voice breaking a little as I talk.

She takes a deep breath. "Yes."

I scoot closer to her on the bed and pull her on my lap, sheets and all, hugging her hard.

She falls into my chest, her arms clutching at my back.

"I knew there was something going on with you," I tell her, my lips trailing kisses on her temple and the side of her face.

"Yeah. I've only known about it for a couple of days, love. I wanted to tell you, but the kids were with us and I wanted it to be special."

I nod. "So you're happy about it, little doll?" I ask.

She pulls away a little to look at me. "Of course am I. Aren't you?"

I kiss her hard and don't let up until we both can't breathe and then I answer her question. "Sure, princess. I'm very happy, I'm just confused why would you think otherwise."

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, Phillip. I guess I got a little nervous. I mean, I felt happy when I saw the result and I knew you would too, but… the twins are twelve. I didn't know how to break it to you. I got to wondering how would you feel about getting into diapers and midnight feedings again after such a long break. And we always said that two kids were more than enough."

I cup her face in my hands. "Fuck that, baby. Two kids were enough before this little guy or girl showed up," I tell her, pressing my hand to her belly. "Now three is the perfect number."
