Page 40 of Sleepless Beauty

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My wife smiles and throws her arms back around me. "I can't wait to meet this baby, love!"

I grin back at her. "Me too, sweetheart. Me too."

She kisses me but breaks the connection after only a few moments bursting into giggles.

"What?" I ask, still smiling.

Aurora settles back on my lap, linking her arms behind my neck. "What if we have another set of twins?"

That might very well happen. Eric has two sets and so does Adam. None of us were twins, but they run in our family on both sides. Our dad was one himself and so were two of our mom's sisters.

I shrug. Kissing her nose and then her chin, before working my way up to her lips again. "Thenfourwould be the magic number, little doll."

My wife looks up at me and in her large, blue orbs I see the thing that gives me joy, the thing that makes me want to wake up in the morning, the thing that fills my life with love and passion. Her heart.

My lips tease hers open. "I love you, little doll. I'm so lucky to have you."

She shivers against me, her teeth nibbling at my lower lip.

"I love you too, Phillip. You are way better than any pre-confectioned prince could ever be. I'm the lucky one."

