Page 22 of Burn

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Natalie laughed as I gathered her hand and led her to the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, I pulled her between my legs. My hands fondled her breasts and both nipples peaked with excitement.

She allowed her head to flop back as she moaned with desire. When I stopped and moved my hands away, she lifted her head and locked both eyes on mine. As I pushed her back gently, she looked confused.

“Undress for me.”


“I want to watch you undress.”

Natalie reddened. I knew she had never stripped for a man before. “But…”

“No buts, baby. Please, let me watch you undress and reveal your beautiful body.”

Natalie trembled. Her expression clearly showed the uncertainty she felt. Yes, she had been naked last night but that had been in the soft glow of lamplight. Now, her scars would be fully exposed by the bright overhead lights.

I watched her closely as she appeared to wrestle with herself. I could have backed down but didn’t. I wanted to give her confidence and belief in herself. I truly thought she was gorgeous, I needed her to think so too.

“Natalie, why are you waiting?”

She sucked in a deep breath, straightened her back, and I knew her decision had been made. First to go was her sweater, revealing her scars. Her hand closed over a section of the wrinkled mass.

“Baby, drop the hand. You don’t ever have to hide any part of your beautiful body from me.”

She did as I asked. Grasping the hem of her tank top, in one fluid motion she drew it over her head and dropped it to the floor. Her nipples swelled under the black lace of her bra. She reached for the band on her sweats.

“No, remove the bra first please.” My cock strained against the confines of my pants.

With trembling hands, she unclasped the lace holding her breasts and the bra joined the rest of her clothes. She gave me a questioning look.

I nodded. “Go ahead.” My cock ached and throbbed, begging for relief.

She untied the bow at her waist and slipped her thumbs into the band of her pants. They were dispatched along with her panties. She stood totally naked before me with trembling knees. Her head was bowed, eyes searching the floor. She was terrified I would reject her.

Her gaze snapped up when I reached out and pulled her back between my legs. I felt no pity. No revulsion. Only pure, unadulterated lust.

“Don't ever be ashamed of your body. You are divine. If you doubt my words, look down.”

Natalie lowered her eyes and blushed at the sight of the bulge in my pants.

My hands fondled her breasts, brushing against the scars. I tweaked and tormented the tight buds. One hand slid over her slightly rounded belly before the other left her breast and caressed her well rounded hips. “You have perfect curves, perfect softness. Stunning, is what you are. Don’t ever doubt your beauty.”

My hand slid between her legs, parting her folds for impatient fingers to delve inside. My other hand slid back to her breasts pinching first one, then the other, tight nipple. Natalie moaned with delight.

“Open your legs for me.”

I spread my knees allowing her to widen her stance. I now had easier access to her swollen bud and wet interior. My cock ached, I wanted, no—needed her desperately.

She positioned her hands at the zipper of my pants in an attempt to free my throbbing dick and I stopped fondling her. Alarm crossed her face.

“Place your hands on my shoulders.”

She hesitated for a moment before her shaking hands rested lightly on the muscles of my shoulders. I returned to seducing her.

While the fingers of one hand probed and tormented deep inside, my other hand traced her luscious curves. Her body shook as she climbed towards release.

“Let it go, baby. Listen to your body and reach for the stars.”
