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“Did it make you feel better?”

“A little, but not as much as I thought it would. After I left the church I was leaning against the church wall outside trying to settle my nerves when Zack came out and spoke to me. He invited me for lunch, I accepted, and we hit it off. There was something about him from the beginning. I knew I could trust him.”

“And the scars?”

“He knows the story and has seen the scars. He didn't turn away, he didn't run, Stace.” A tear dripped down my cheek.

Stacey handed me a tissue. “Finally, a real man. I'm so pleased for you, hon. You deserve to be happy.” She smiled cheekily and raised an eyebrow. “So…Have you done it?”

“What?” I lowered my head as I smiled.

“Oh my God, you have…You’ve fucked. Woohoo! You're not a virgin anymore.”

I waved my arms in an attempt to quieten her. “Ssh, the whole neighborhood will know if you keep that shouting up.”

Stacey rose from her chair, bent down, and hugged me to her. We cried together but this time they were tears of happiness instead of anguish.

Chapter Ten


It was almost six thirty when I rapped on Natalie’s door. I'd had a shit of a day and needed to feel her warmth. See her sunny smile. Hold her tight.

When the door swung open, I watched her face light up in pleasure. She stepped forward, stood on tiptoes, and placed a gentle kiss to my lips.

“Come in.”

I strode past her to the kitchen and deposited the bags, containing several takeout containers, on the bench. Spinning around, I gathered her into my arms and crushed her to me. Our lips meshed, tongues danced, teeth clicked against each other.

Natalie pushed at my chest. “I need air.”

Reluctantly, I freed my tight hold on her.

“How are you feeling?” Natalie busied herself grabbing plates, cutlery, and glasses and laid it all out on the countertop.

I unpacked the containers on the same counter and removed the lids. “I've been better.”

“Things didn't go well with your brothers?”

“No, they didn't.”

We dished up the food, helped ourselves to a cola and sat at the small kitchen table to eat. In between mouthfuls of food, I explained what had transpired earlier in the day.

“I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Would you like me to speak with them? Maybe if I explained how desperate things were becoming and how much they're hurting you and the business it would help them to understand?”

I knew Natalie felt guilty and felt she had caused the problems between us but none of it was her doing.

“Thanks, baby, but no. I’m beginning to think they don’t give a fuck that they are hurting me or our business. The only people they think about are themselves. It does hurt and I hate they won't be working alongside me, but that's just how it is.”

“I'm so sorry.” Natalie stood and gathered the now empty dishes.

My arm swung around her waist as she attempted to pass, and she gazed down into my face.

“Please don't blame yourself for our mess, Natalie. If it hadn't been you, it would have been someone else telling my brothers what needed to be done. I knew we were in trouble and was about to contact someone to look into my books. I was lucky to have that someone be you.”

She kissed me before pulling away and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. It didn’t take long, and she returned to the table. “What would you like to do now?”

I stood and my eyebrows danced.
