Page 6 of Burn

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“You're welcome, but as I warned you, I'm not cheap.”

Zack, being the eldest, spoke on behalf of the brothers. “We need to do something to stop the money from slipping through our fingers. If you can bring that to a stop, your fee will be well worth it.” I held out my hands. “Books, please.”

Neil handed them over.

“Please sit.”

The men each took a seat behind my desk. I placed the books on the desk, sat, and opened the one on top of the pile. The men sat quietly as I turned the pages and gave the figures and squiggles a quick once over, making a few notes on a pad off to one side. They knew they were in trouble when I sighed loudly and slammed the book closed, but they didn't realize the enormity of their problems.

I set my hands on the desk and leaned forward. “This is going to be a little more difficult than I thought. Do you have the lists of private purchases from company funds?”

The brothers pulled papers from their pockets in varying degrees of crumpled mess. They handed them over. I was pleased to note Zack's list was the least crumpled and the writing was both neat and orderly. The same could not be said for Neil and Lance.

I began with Zack’s list for two reasons—it had the least entries, and I was curious about where he spent his money. “This is everything you have purchased through the company for your own use and benefit?”

“Yes, ma'am,” Zack answered.

I dragged the pad in front of me so I could take notes as I asked questions. “Eight thousand dollars for a car?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Neil laughed. “Is that what you call that piece of junk you drive?”

Lance chuckled.

Zack glared at both of them. “I only need a reliable car to get me from A to B, one that can carry lumber and supplies. It's not the prettiest thing around but it's rarely in the shop, unlike those things you drive.”

“They cost a lot of money, so we need to maintain them,” Lance protested.

“Yeah.” Neil chipped in.

“It’s money we don’t have. Those things you drive can’t carry a fucking thing which leaves me to run all over town delivering what we need to the job sites.”

I had a feeling this ground had been covered before. I intervened before it broke into an argument. “I’m beginning to see one of the problems.”

Zack smiled at her. “I keep telling them, we're not millionaires who can waste money on extravagant purchases. Maybe you can get them to listen.”

I continued examining the lists while the men waited patiently. I noted the glares directed at Zack from the younger two men and got the feeling, they were here under protest.

After looking over the entries on all three lists, I placed my pen on the desk and tented my fingers. “Gentlemen, at the rate you have been spending, you will not have a penny to your name in two years. In fact, you will owe more money than your business is worth.”

The younger men swapped glances while Zack lowered his head.

Lance was the first to protest. “But we only buy things we need.”

Neil, who it appeared followed his slightly older brother’s lead—partners in crime if you will, was next. “Yeah. Everything we buy is necessary.”

Zack remained silent; his head bowed.

“Really?” I flipped through my notes. “A home gym at the office and one at each of your homes. Five thousand dollars' worth. What's wrong with buying a gym membership?”

“Gyms aren't private enough.” Lance pouted like a spoilt schoolboy. He was definitely going to resent any suggestions I made.

It was clear which brothers were causing the business issues. “So, you don't want to show off those muscled bodies to all the females in town?”

Neil scowled. “It's not that.”

“No, if they didn’t have their home gyms, they couldn't work out in the buff with three or four females each.” A touch of anger mixed with disappointment laced Zack’s voice.
