Page 7 of Burn

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I wondered if Zack did the same and for some reason, hoped not. I checked my notes. “I see you don't have a gym at your apartment, Zack?”

“No, I use the one at our business premises like they should.”

“I agree. One gym for all three of you would be cheaper than a membership and the office seems like the best place for it.” I pinned the younger men with what I hoped was a serious look. “You two need to sell yours and put the money back into the business.”

“The fuck we will.” The brothers jumped to their feet as Lance shouted.

“Sit down and shut the fuck up,” Zack growled, and the men planted their backsides back on the chairs. “I warned you both before we came, we were going to take Natalie's advice to get the business running as it should. I have indulged your whims for too long and it stops now.”

The younger men growled and complained.

“Your brother is right. You are bleeding the business dry, and it needs to stop.” I addressed Zack who was the only sensible one of the three, “I'll keep the books and go over them in detail if that's okay?”

He nodded.

“I suggest we meet back here next week, and we'll go over my suggestions. In the meantime, I am asking you to put a stop to any unnecessary personal spending.

Loud grumbling emanated from Lance and Neil.

Zack glared at his brothers. “I'll make sure there is none until you have spoken with us again.”

Natalie stood. “Very well. I’ll see you all next week.”

The two youngest brothers stomped to the door, but Zack remained where he was. “You coming?” Neil asked.

“No, go ahead. I want a few words with Natalie. I'll see you at work tomorrow.”

We stayed silent until the front door slammed shut.

“Ready to eat?” Zack moved toward the door.

“Yes, I am.” I grabbed my purse and led the way to the office's front door. I switched off the lights and Zack waited while I locked up.


Zack gathered my hand into his as we headed down the street to a restaurant I favoured. Normally I would shy away from a man touching me, but his touch felt so right. Warmth spread through my body and my pussy tingled with wetness.

Zack squeezed my hand. “Beautiful evening.”

I glanced up at the clear evening sky to see a handful of stars twinkling overhead. “Yes, it is...I love this time of year.”

“I think others do too if the crowds are any indication.”

I laughed. “This isn't crowded. You're used to your small-town population. This is quiet, you should be around at Christmas and holiday time.”

“No, thanks.”

“So, not fond of crowds, huh?”

“Nope. If I had my way and could afford it, I'd be out on a farm miles away from anywhere. Unfortunately, I don't have the prowess to run a farm, although, it seems I couldn't make more mess of it than I have our business.”

My heart ached a little for the man. “I have a feeling you haven't made the mess. It's more likely your brothers are the ones responsible.”

“Maybe, but it's my fault for indulging them. I have tried to make their lives a bit easier for them with Ma and Dad gone all the time. Sometimes I forget they are grown men not children.” He smiled at me. “Guess I overindulged, huh?”

“It's not my place to judge you, but yes, I think you have given them their own way for far too long.”

“You can judge me all you like, baby, if it will get my business back on track.”
