Page 13 of Tempting Marcus

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“Oh, shit!” I slam my legs to the floor after throwing them over the side of the bed. I know that voice. And I know the other one too. I wanted the two most important women in my life to meet but this sounds like it’s gone off the rails.

I pull a pair of jeans up quickly and step out of the room, doing up the zipper and button quickly, hopping on one foot. Then I charge down the steps, tripping at the last one and almost landing right on my ass at the feet of two glaring women.

“Marcus Gray, what have I told you about running down the stairs. It’s very dangerous. You could get hurt.”

Garland’s frosty sea-green gaze glares down at me at her dainty feet. She’s wearing one of my shirts and it hangs down to her knees which almost makes me smile.

Until she growls. “What the hell is she talking about? Who is Arlene?”

“I have no idea who she’s talking about, G. You’re the only woman for me.”

“That’s not what you told me the other day,” my mother says with a frown. You said that Arlene was your girlfriend and she had pretty blue eyes. She works at the diner in town and she makes soaps in her spare time.”

I stare at her with my mouth hanging open. “Are you kidding me? I didn’t say any of that! Who the hell are you talking about?”

Her lips firm and she’s glaring at me now. “I know you like to think that I’m an airhead, Marcus, but I think I know what you said just yesterday.”

I want to slap myself in the face because I have no idea what the hell she’s talking about and there’s no time because there’s fury on Garland’s face.

“Don’t you trust me, G?”

She stiffens. “That’s a lot to ask. After all, why would your mother lie?”

“She’s not lying…” Before I can finish my sentence, my little spitfire goes storming out into the street

I turn to my mom and she smiles at me. “Hello, Marcus. You didn’t come see me so I thought I’d stop in and see you. Was that your new girlfriend?”

“Well that depends, Mom. On if she’s still talking to me. Why would you tell her I’m dating someone named Arlene with blue eyes?”

Her nose scrunches up and her blue eyes seem to turn inwards until her brow clears. “Oh! I must have gotten you confused with that new guy at the grocery store. I was talking to him yesterday when I picked up a few things and he was telling me about his new girlfriend. She sounds like a real sweetheart. That’s why I was so worried that you were cheating on her.” Her lips tighten. “Oh! That’s why she got mad. I told her you had a different girlfriend. She’s probably pretty upset.”

“Uh, yeah. I’d say so.” I kiss her cheek and run out the door. “I wish you hadn’t gotten confused there, Mom.”

“Sorry, honey. If you need me to talk to her, I will.”

“No, no. I’ll talk to her. You stay here.”

I dart across the street and bang on her door, my heart in my throat.



Iopen the door, my bare foot tapping as I cross my arms and study a wild-eyed Marcus. He sighs in relief when I open the door to him.

“G, I’m so sorry. My mother was wrong. She wasn’t lying, she just gets confused about people’s names and such.”

I smirk. “I’d already come to that conclusion but I was kinda tired of standing in front of your mom in just one of your shirts. It’s a little uncomfortable to be standing in front of your boyfriend’s mom wearing nothing but a t-shirt. I didn’t even have panties since you shredded them.

“I’m sorry, G. Are you ever going to let me live that one down?”

Shrugging one shoulder, I laugh. “I don’t think so. That was my favorite pair of panties. You can’t even find them anymore. They’re discontinued.”

“Sorry, G. I’ll buy you another pair. Hell, I’ll buy you another ten pairs.”

I shake my head. “Not necessary. I’m sorry that it seemed like I didn’t believe you. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me. Or Arlene in this case.”

He chuckles and pulls me into a hug. “This is not how I wanted to wake up this morning. It’s also not how I wanted you to meet my mom.”
