Page 18 of Tempting Marcus

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My two daughters chatter up a storm as they carry books out of the big building. Garland smiles at them and laughs at something they say, her green eyes sparkling with the same gentle humor that she’s had every one of the thirteen years we’ve been married.

Then, like she can feel my eyes, hers lift up and she gives me that special look that I live for. The one that says that she’s been waiting for me forever and she’s so happy to see me.

I live for every damn day with this woman and my daughters. Garland still works part time at the library and in another few years when the girls are in high school and don’t need her as much, she’s going back to being the full-time librarian. The older lady is happy with the arrangement and when my wife goes back to full-time, she’s planning to retire to her gardens at home.

So for now, she’s only here a few hours a day while the girls are at school. But she still brings the girls in to the library a few times a week so that they can all get new reading material. All my girls love to read. I just hope it takes awhile before my Ruby and Destiny discover the joys of their mom’s steamy romances. They’re way too young to start thinking about boys.

As if I’ve conjured them up, a group of boys goes past on the steps and I see my Ruby glance at one of them and flush. His eyes never leave hers and he ends up tripping on the steps and almost landing on his ass.

She giggles and her face flushes bright red and I think that my heart almost stops.

“No fucking way,” I grumble under my breath, charging for the stairs like a bull in a china shop. No boy is good enough for my little girls. And my little Ruby does even hit thirteen for another month. She’s too young to be looking at boys.

I’m panting and out of breath when I get to Garland and my daughters but I make sure that the fucker staring at Ruby gets an eyeful of her dad as I kiss my wife on the cheek and glare at his ass.

He turns away to walk into the library and I see a quick flash of hurt in my daughter’s eyes. Sympathy and humor dance in Garland’s sea-glass eyes as she leans over and whispers in my ear, “You can’t keep them away forever. Some boy will love her as much as you do one of these days and you’ll have to let her go.”

“How about ice cream at the diner?” I holler, smiling at my little girls’ cheers.

“Not today,” I mutter under my breath, leading them all to my van. I sold my car a long time ago when we had Ruby. It wasn’t safe enough for her to ride around in.

Garland just shakes her head and slides into the front seat while the girls get situated in the back.

“Let’s go, Daddy!” I smile and start the car, pulling out to go to the diner, my heart full to bursting as my girls and my beautiful wife chatter a mile a minute.

I finally have the things that I’ve longed for. A business that’s growing by leaps and bounds, the home town that everybody wishes they had and the family that makes my life complete.

I smile over at Garland and know she’s thinking the same thing. I have the best life. I’m a lucky damn man.

As long as I can keep the boys away at least. But I push that thought away. I’m just gonna take one day at a time.

One long, happy, joyous day at a time with my world sitting in this van together, making every day a perfect day.
