Page 14 of Axel

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I caught Beth’s hand when she started to withdraw. God help me, I couldn’t stop touching her.

“I thought you wanted a little trouble.”

Beth went quiet, staring at me with the biggest blue eyes. Her hand was still clasped in mine and I smoothed my thumb over her knuckles. She glanced down, her lashes shielding her expression.

A flurry of notifications pinged on Beth’s phone. That seemed to get her head back in the game. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, she reached for her phone and tapped the screen.

“I should get these photos posted,” she said, more to herself than to me.

“Can I see?”

Beth’s gaze darted to meet mine before sliding away again as she shrugged.

“I mean…they’re public so, yeah, of course you can see them.”

I glanced over her shoulder as Beth scrolled through a gallery view of the pictures she’d taken. Some of them were sweet, with my lips pressed to her temple, my eyes closed as I kissed her. Beth had her chin tipped up, leaning into me with a serene smile on her face. Blissful. Content. Happy.

Other pictures hinted at a sexier side of Beth. She had her fingers in my hair, my lips hovering above her cleavage. The lacy, buttery yellow of her bra cup just visible above her collar only added to the sensual atmosphere. Her lips were parted, her neck arched—on the brink of ecstasy.

Even though the diner wasn’t the most romantic setting, the way the light slanted through the window, and the angles Beth had used to capture each moment gave the pictures a dream-like quality.

“You certainly know how to work a camera,” I said. “Whether you’re in front of it or behind it.”

Beth ducked her head, shy but pleased at the compliment. She tapped at her phone for a few seconds then shoved it into her purse and blew out a breath.

“All done. Pictures are posted.”

“So, we’re officially-but-not-really dating,” I replied.

She nodded. “Yep.”

“What’s the next move on your list? Do you need me to attend a family dinner? Meet your mother? I can show off my tattoos if that will make her hate me even more.”

Beth choked on her coffee and shot me an amused look, her eyes sparkling.

“No. At least, not yet. Mom and I don’t eat together unless she’s hosting a dinner party for networking purposes.”

“What does she do for a living?”

“She’s an accountant. Although she really wants to retire and become my agent instead.”

I grimaced. What a nightmare.

“I was thinking,” Beth continued. “We could do a little shopping today. If you wanted to tag along, it would be a great opportunity to be seen together.”

I groaned and poked at my eggs. The idea of spending more time with Beth wasn’t the problem. She leveled an indignant look at me.

“What was that noise for? You’re already getting tired of being my boyfriend?”

“No,” I countered. “But…that’s a little tame, don’t you think?”

“It’s domestic,” Beth protested. “Besides, Lionel never allowed me to go shopping by myself. He claimed it gave him the chance to show people how well he treated me and that—”

I frowned and shoved my plate away. Propping my arm on the booth behind Beth, I leaned in, fixing her with a hard stare.

“If you want another guy like Lionel,” I said. “Then our deal is off.”

She blinked at my serious tone.

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