Page 20 of My Last Fling

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He sighs. “Fine. It’s not as sexy, but I guess I can manage it.”

I can’t stop the laugh that slips out. “Thanks, Cole.”

“What are friends for?” he says.

I smile, feeling a warmth slide through me as I end the call. Cole and I might have started out as just a fling, but somewhere along the way he became one of my closest friends in Peach Tree. Despite how hard I tried to fight it. It’s not what I expected when I hooked up with him in his office that first night. Looking back, I still don’t know what pushed me to follow him down that hallway, but I can’t regret it now. It may have been the beginning of my first and last fling, but it was also the start of a friendship that I don’t know that we’d have if things had played out differently.

Chapter 10



Cole groans dramatically as he lowers the cardboard box he’s carrying to the living room floor. I know for a fact that box isn’t heavy because I loaded it into my car myself just last night. Which is how I know he’s exaggerating its weight.

“That’s the last of it,” he says. “Thank the gods.”

“That one goes in the bedroom,” I say.

He narrows his eyes at me before bending down to pick the box up again.

“What happened to ‘Thank you, Cole. You’re amazingly kind and selfless to give up your whole day to help me move into my new apartment.’”

I roll my eyes at his back as he walks down the hallway to the bedroom.

“Thank you, Cole,” I say sweetly. “You’re amazingly kind and selfless to help me move into my new apartment. And so strong, too!”

He returns to the living room without the box and narrows his eyes at me once again. “Did you doubt me, woman?”

I open one of the boxes on the kitchen counter and peer inside.

“Not even for a second,” I say. “I’ve seen those muscles in action, remember?”

Strong arms encircle my waist and Cole’s lips brush the back of my neck. “You want to see them in action again? We could break in your new place.”

I feel a shiver run up my spine as I lean back against his hard body. Common sense wars with my libido. I know what I need to do, but what I want to do is let Cole use those sexy muscles to do unspeakable things to my body. Common sense wins out, though. Barely.

“I have too much to do,” I say weakly. “I need to unpack.”

“Do you need to unpack right this moment?” he whispers, his hand sliding up to cup my breast.

My eyes fall closed, and I suck in a breath. I know I should stop him, but I can feel myself on the verge of giving in. Not that I’m putting up much of a fight.

“I’ll tell you what,” Cole says, kissing the back of my neck. “For every box we unpack, one of us loses a piece of clothing. And then, when we’re both naked, we take an orgasm break.”

I know what he’s doing. There’s no way I’ll ever get unpacked if we stop for sex after every five or six boxes. And I know that we won’t stop at one orgasm. Cole’s never given me less than two orgasms any time we’ve had sex. Not that I’m complaining about that. The man takes sex seriously.

“I promise you everything will be properly put away,” he says, as if reading my mind.

“To my specifications?” I ask, pushing up against the hand on my breast.

His lips move to the shell of my ear. “I swear it.”

I can feel him hardening against my lower back and it turns me on more than it should. Knowing he’s this affected by my nearness does something to me. And knowing exactly how amazing sex with him can be doesn’t make it easy to resist him.

“Fine,” I say. “But I get to pick which boxes we open.”

He gives my nipple one last squeeze before releasing me and stepping back. I do my best to pretend I don’t immediately miss the contact.
