Page 44 of My Last Fling

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A laugh escapes me and I roll my eyes.

“He likes it that way,” Luke says. “Right, Cole?”

I shrug, suddenly uncomfortable. I look around and see that Piper, Luke, Harlow, and Linc are all looking at me for an answer. Layna looks like she’s trying not to laugh as she sips her drink. Traitor. But now I think I know how Layna felt just a few minutes ago, being grilled about Michael. Since when does everyone need to know about everyone else’s dating lives? Just because the four of them are happily matched up doesn’t mean everyone around them needs a partner immediately.

I shrug. “I like my life, sure,” I say. “But that doesn’t mean I’d turn down the right woman. I don’t want to be single forever. I’m keeping my eyes open.”

I force myself not to look directly at Layna as I say the last part.

“Youwant to settle down?” Luke asks, disbelief evident in his tone.

I laugh. “Is it that hard to believe that I’d want to find the right woman and get married some day? You make it sound like I’ve sworn off marriage or something.”

“Well, no,” Luke says, backtracking. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just that you’re younger than the rest of us. You’ve never acted interested in marriage and kids, all that stuff.”

I roll my eyes, feeling slightly annoyed. “Just because the subject never came up doesn’t mean that I haven’t thought about it. I don’t want to be single forever. Look, it’s not like I’m rushing to the altar tomorrow or anything. But yeah. If I found the right girl, the one who makes me feel that spark or whatever it is, I’d be happy to settle down and get married. I want kids one day. I want the whole thing. The only reason you guys didn’t know that about me is because you never asked. You always assumed I was happy to keep being a man-whore forever. But lately I’ve been thinking it’s time to grow up. Get serious about my future.”

My gaze goes around the table, glancing at each person in turn. Harlow and Piper are both smiling, but they look like they’re two seconds away from a chorus of ‘awws’ followed by tears. Luke’s eyes are wide with surprise, but he’s wearing a delighted grin. Linc is the only one who doesn’t look shocked. But then he knew I felt this way for a while. And Layna? Layna looks absolutely stunned by my little speech.

Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is slightly open as she looks at me like she’s never seen me before. She’s still as she holds my gaze for several long moments, neither of us looking away. I don’t know what she sees when she looks at me, but something between us feels like it’s shifted slightly. Or maybe I’m seeing what I want to see.

“Well,” Luke says, forcing me to pull my gaze from Layna’s and back to him. He raises his glass in a toast. “On that note, here’s to the future. Whatever it holds for each of us, may it be filled with all the happiness and love we can stand.”

We all raise our glasses to his toast before drinking. And because I want to more than anything, I actively avoid looking at Layna. Instead, for the rest of the night, I do my best not to let my feelings for her overshadow the celebratory atmosphere. It helps that Michael’s name doesn’t come up again. The six of us talk and laugh and drink until late into the night, and it feels like old times.

When Linc pulls Harlow out onto the dance floor to dance to some old country song he requested, it doesn’t take Luke and Piper long to follow them. Normally, this is where I’d ask Layna to dance. Or to meet me in my office for a quickie. But that was before. I wonder if she’d dance with me if I asked her. Or would that be too weird after all we’ve been through?

“Come on,” Layna says, holding her hand out to me. “We’re not going to sit here like the only single losers at the table. Dance with me.”

I smile at her tone. It’s the same as it’s always been. So bossy and sure of herself. It’s one of the things I’ve always loved about her. Standing, I reach out and take her hand.

“Just let me lead this time?” I tease.

“Not a chance,” she says.

I know it’s a mistake as soon as my hands go to her waist and she leans in close to me. Her hands travel up my chest to rest on my shoulders. The move is flirty and teasing, reminding me of the way things used to be. She inches closer to me as we dance, her body eventually brushing mine as we move. I’m not sure what’s happening right now. We’ve never danced this close before, and we’ve definitely never touched this way in front of the others.

I know she’s been drinking. We both have. I’m nowhere near drunk, but she just might be. I should put more space between us. I know I should. But I’ve been dreaming of holding her like this since I realized what I feel for her. So, I don’t move away from her body. And when she moves even closer, I allow that too. I smooth my hands up her back, the memory of her body still lingering in my fingertips, even after all these weeks of not touching her. I feel as much as hear her sigh in my arms.

“I’ve missed this,” she whispers.

My heart trips in my chest at her words. Does she mean dancing? Or does she mean me? My arms around her? The closeness of our bodies? I want to ask, but I can’t seem to find the nerve.

“Me, too,” I say, instead.

“I’m glad I didn’t lose you, Cole,” she whispers.

Is she drunk? Is that what this is? Is this just alcohol talking? Will she even remember this tomorrow? I find myself hoping she does. My heart is pounding so fast as I try to decide what to say. It’s not quite a confession, but I try to let the emotion I feel pour into my voice as I speak.

“You could never lose me, Layna. I’m right here. Always.”

She leans even closer, her head lowering to my shoulder as we barely sway to the music. I hold her close, allowing myself this one moment to pretend she’s mine.

“I knew that last drink was too much.”

I look up to see Piper and Luke standing beside us, both looking at Layna with amusement. Piper shakes her head at her sister and I smile sheepishly and shrug.

“I’m not that drunk,” Layna says.
