Page 18 of Brave

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Or lack thereof.

“He’s going to need a naughty catchphrase, Daddy Ansel. It’s got to be funny.” Charlie’s tone sounded somewhere between big and little, and I tried not to overanalyze it.

“That’s going to take some work. It’s got to be perfect. Oh, and we should probably make a logo for him or some kind of naughty Bat-Signal.” I was just throwing ideas out there but they had Charlie laughing and nodding, no longer feeling stressed as he cuddled into me.

“What would your superhero power be, Daddy Ansel?” He was still playful and wiggly, so I did my best to find something on the more innocent side of the countless options.

And I did my best to ignore the Daddy part and not make assumptions.

“Hmm…” Stroking his back, I cuddled him and hugged him tight since that seemed to be what he needed at the moment. “I would be Contract Dom, able to match two people into the perfect BDSM contract with just a glance.”

That got another giggle but his fingers started slowly walking over my chest, no longer petting me. “Do you like contracts?”

I wasn’t completely sure about the context of the question but I tried to answer it as clearly as I could. “Well, at work I like how contracts spell everything out and how they can be used to protect people, and I think those same things transfer over to BDSM very well. So I would say I like them but they’re not a must-have for me.”

Clear as mud, based on how still he’d gone, so I tried again.

“Having a contract is not something I need to move forward in a relationship with a sub, but I like knowing what will make them happy and what they need to be content and to feel safe. I think writing it down makes both people really think about what’s important to them.” That felt better and I knew I’d hit something right when Charlie’s fingers started caressing over me again.

“My fort makes me feel safe.” Charlie seemed to be working his way up to something, so I nodded and let him keep going. “And the playroom makes me feel safe.”

“Austin and Uncle Jarrett would love hearing that, sweetie.” Barely brushing my lips over his head, I loved the quiet happy sound he let out as he squirmed again.

“And…” Dropping his voice low, he let out a happy, slightly naughty snicker as my erection grew more obvious. “And nice alphas who are big and cuddly make me feel safe?”

“I’m very glad to hear that.” Taking a chance, I shifted the tone slightly and danced my fingers down his side, keeping away from his more adult parts so I didn’t accidentally cross any barriers that would make him uncomfortable. “I also haven’t forgotten what Austin said, so I think big alphas make you feel more than safe.”

He tucked his face back against my neck but nodded. “Is that okay?”

“Sweetie, Austin made it very clear you’re probably into muscle worship or some kind of related kink when you’re feeling grown-up and naughty. I will not be upset if you tell me that my size turns you on.” It would honestly be refreshing.

Aside from the muscle aspect, it wasn’t something I had a lot of control over. I was naturally broad-shouldered and tall, even compared with other alphas, but too many omegas lately seemed to take offense at it. Big alpha did not mean stupid alpha either, so if it turned Charlie on, I was going to count my blessings.

“You won’t think I’m…” He didn’t seem to have a good word to describe whatever some asshole had called him, so I kissed his forehead, hoping to distract him from the stressful image in his head.

“I think you’re the naughty boy who’d love to curl up on your Master’s lap and kiss or lick him all over.” Trying to remember what Austin had said and what he’d hinted at, I gave the faintest outline of a fantasy. “Maybe I’d give you a spanking first so you were hard and slick for me while you wiggled and kissed?”

The shiver that raced through him was impossible to miss…and so was the moan that escaped.

Yes, that was something he’d love.

“And I might have to figure out a way to punish a naughty boy who drips cum on his Master or gets slick everywhere.” Making a tsking sound as he squeaked and his entire body seemed to clench, I did my best not to smile. “Yes, I think you might be a very messy, naughty boy.”

Charlie’s brain seemed to be struggling to keep up, but his body was sending very clear signals. So clear, I decided to back off just a bit because public scenes were not on the list of things he was comfortable with. “But I’m sure you’re notthatnaughty. My sweet Charlie is innocent and shy and probably a very nervous boy when he’s naked for his Master.”

He couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or hide, so he did both, snickering quietly while he hid his blushing face. “Daddy Ansel?”

Charlie was still whispering but there was nothing fearful in the tone. “Yes, sweetie?”

“You’re very silly.” The littlish words had me chuckling, which seemed to please him even more. “Is it time for dinner yet, Daddy?”

“Hmm, is my boy hungry or trying to hurry us into the after-dinner part of our date?” That got an embarrassed giggle from the not-quite-little sub.

“Both.” He pulled back enough to kiss my cheek. “Big both, Daddy.”

Well, with that kind of enthusiasm, it was definitely dinnertime.

