Page 38 of Brave

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Part of me wished I’d stayed bigger so I could’ve kept kissing and made Daddy very happy too, but I’d gotten little and he’d cleaned me up and we’d played and then I’d gotten grown-up kisses because it’d been time to go home.

“He…he said he wanted to see me again.” Oh, now I was squirming.

Austin’s naughty grin just kept getting bigger and bigger. “I knew he was going to like your naughty side.”

Groaning, I pulled my T-shirt up to hide behind and wished I’d been wearing something that I could pull down over my face. I really should’ve grabbed a blanket for an Austin talk this early in the morning. But my drama just made him giggle even more as he leaned over the table and patted my head. “I’m so proud of you.”

Ugh…he was so hard to get frustrated at when he was sweet and told me nice things.

“Now…tell me more about those tattoos.” He was trying to distract me, but I shook my head, making him sigh. “But I was worried about you.”

Daddy kept his shirt on for a reason, though, right?

“I have to get permission to talk about them because I don’t know what Daddy would say.” I kind of knew but I needed to make sure first.

Trying to be as firm as possible considering he was pouting at me, I decided a distraction was in order. “I don’t have to ask permission to color with you or to play in the fort. I have time before work.”

Austin liked playing just as much as he liked being nosy and I could see him breaking. “I shouldn’t…”

“You didn’t help me use the new crayons yet.”


And he couldn’t ask me about naughty things while we were coloring. That was my favorite rule. He had to pretend to be a good babysitter and they didn’t do naughty things unless they were in dirty grown-up movies.

And my life was not a dirty grown-up movie.

My life had started out as a political drama and was now inching toward a romance…and hopefully, it would be a slightly naughty one?

Fingers crossed it would be naughty.

“Alright, but just for a few minutes.” Austin said that very seriously, but we both knew playtime in the morning meant we were both going to be late to work.

Well, at least we both worked for ourselves?


“I have to…I mean…” Oh, this was so hard. Even after having a whole two days to think about it, nothing sounded right. “I need to ask you a question.”

I managed not to sayDaddybut it’d been difficult, and I could see Daddy trying not to smile as I wiggled. “It’s not bad. I’ve been good.”

Oh, not the most grown-up thing I could’ve said.

No, I was going to be big.

We were on a date and I’d voted to be big.


That’d been a stupid decision.

“What kind of question do you have for me?” Daddy didn’t look worried, which made it easier to make some of the butterflies in my stomach sit down nicely. “Should we wait until we have some more privacy?”



I could feel my face heating up but I shook my head. “It’s not that kind of question, Daddy.”
