Page 61 of Brave

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“Daddy?” I stayed put, hiding against his neck as I tried to decide what to say next.

“Yes?” Daddy kissed my head and was very patient.

“I don’t want to be cute tonight.” I’d tried staying big but that hadn’t worked terribly well during dinner. “I think…I think I want to be very grown-up…like kisses kind of grown-up, Daddy.”

Hmm, probably should stop saying Daddy then.


That made Daddy giggle again.




When he stopped giggling, he ran his hand down my back and gave me another kiss. A nice kiss. “I was thinking that my naughty boy deserved a spanking for making me think of nothing but roars and dragon kisses for days.”

Now I was the one giggling.

I still wasn’t very big but both sides of me liked that idea.

“I…You should help me remember to be good, Daddy.” Shoot. “Master.”

Daddy’s chest jerked but he managed not to laugh because he was so nice. “What am I going to say about what you call me?”

I huffed but answered since I wanted a spanking. “That it doesn’t matter if I say Daddy or Master because even if I’m little, we do what feels right.”

“Good boy.” Daddy gave me another kiss, but that time his lips lingered and he held me tighter, sending sparks through me. “Now, should we talk about dragon roars and kisses?”

I wasn’t so sure about talking but I was all for doing.

Tapping on his chest, I nodded and was so glad when he let out a quiet laugh. “I talk, huh?”

Yep, psychic.

Nodding again, I kissed his neck since it seemed like he wouldn’t mind. That had him letting out a groan and I had to kiss him again because I’d forgotten how good he smelled. “You’re going to distract me, sweetheart.”

I liked distractions, so I kissed him again.

His laugh that time was strained and his hands slipped down to palm my ass. “My naughty boy seems to need kisses but no words. Should Daddy just make the decisions for now?”

That seemed like the best idea I’d ever heard, so I nodded and nuzzled against him as I licked his neck, loving his taste. “Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s my good boy.” Daddy’s hand squeezed my bottom and he chuckled when it was my turn to moan. “I know what my boy needs.”

I sucked in a breath and turned into a monkey as Daddy stood up, carrying me in his arms. It just made him laugh as he hugged me tight. “Silly boy.”

That made me giggle but I still held on very carefully as he took me up the stairs. “Kisses, Daddy?”


“I like…I like kissing you, Daddy.” Yes, that was much better. Then he’d know to spank me and make me come and make me kiss him.

He chuckled, kissing my cheek as I hid again. “My boy likes all kinds of things…like spankings and kissing his Daddy’s muscles.”
