Page 7 of Brave

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He’d ask questions eventually, but as long as I kept my binkie in my mouth and my clothes on, I’d be fine. I wasn’t even wearing a diaper, so he wouldn’t be too curious to help.

Yes. I would run and hide behind Austin.

Oh, what if he was doing a scene?

Screaming and binkies didn’t mix.

As soon as I could feel that my heart hadn’t jumped out of my chest, I shoved my binkie back in my mouth and crawled even more behind Gideon. It was all his fault, so he had to save me.Papa Ansel had touched me.

Oh dear, now he sighed. “I don’t…”

Me neither.

And now I was going to have to stay hiding forever and ever, and Gideon would never get to go home because he was keeping me safe.

“Daddy?” Gideon’s squeak made me feel a tiny bit bad but not enough to move or let him go.

“I didn’t…” Papa Ansel made a frustrated sound and that just made me hide behind Gideon even more. I even got part of my legs behind him when I squished up tight.

“It’s perfectly okay to get startled.” Uncle Jarrett always sounded so relaxed, even when Dessie was being naughty, and I’d heard that tone so much I almost forgot to be worried. “We’re just going to sit down for a minute.”

We were?

I was already sitting but that seemed to mean the Daddies were going to sit too because I heard everyone move around and Uncle Jarrett sat down beside Gideon. I knew it was him because Gideon leaned over and sighed. He loved his Daddy lots.

But that meant Papa Ansel was behind me.

He was very quiet.

Uncle Jarrett was very quiet too.

I wasn’t sure if I liked quiet or not.

It was just like the monster in a movie was getting ready to attack.

“What did you two do to that sweet little boy?”

Oh dear.

I wasn’t sure if Austin was going to save me or just have the Daddies for lunch. Austin was kind of scary, but he’d always beennicescary. He was the monster under the bed who saved good boys. He’d even made my mother stop dragging me around with her and helped me find a real life.

The Daddies started talking over each other and Gideon sighed. “Um, it was my fault?”

Austin let the chaos go on for a few more seconds before he decided they’d all been naughty. “Enough. Jarrett, if you wouldn’t mind taking Gideon to get some juice?”

He was going to make Gideon move?


“Ansel? If you would join them and go grab Charlie some cranberry juice from the bar? If they’re out, get him a bottle of water, please. I think we just need a moment.” Austin sounded so calm it was even more scary.

The Daddies seemed to think so too because they sighed and stood up without arguing with him. Gideon moved too but he was nice and did it slower so I could keep hiding. I was quick, though, and when he started to stand up, I hid behind the chair.

I was very fast.

I heard Austin whispering in hisyou’ve made me angryvoice, but I couldn’t hear what they said. Hiding seemed more important than being sneaky and listening, so I just wiggled farther behind the chair. No one would see me there. No one would make me talk. No one would tell me I had to be a strong omega.

Austin said omegas could be anything they wanted to.
