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I got under the covers, and the cold left me immediately. I don’t think it was the bedding, though, as Noah moved over to me, his eyes, that were barely visible from the light in the hall, were pure fire.

I knew we had an attraction to one another. It was clear from almost the start, but I thought it more from my end than his. He’d kept his attraction to me dimmed so I could become comfortable. He’d done it right, because when I was, as he’d asked, ready, I didn’t have a doubt about how much I truly wanted him.

I was kissed, and it was no peck, no sloppy mess. No, like everything Noah did, he kissed with a subtle and quiet determination to be the best. His lips on mine were firm, his hands holding my face the same, and his breath with mine. It was like our very fucking souls came together.

Kissing could be awkward, especially the first kiss you share with someone. I’d had terrible first kisses that left me sorry I’d ever approached the person. Noah, however, kissed me like he’d meant it, like it sealed a deal we’d had on the table all along.

Soon, he was moving over me, and my wrists were taken into his hands, moved onto the pillows beside my head as he continued the kissing. I felt his heavy cock lay on my hip, giving me the promise of what was to come. His mouth moved down from mine and he nipped at my neck with soft bites.

He rolled off me almost immediately, though, releasing my wrists, and he moved me, so we were on our sides, facing one another. With that same low voice, he asked right before kissing me softly, “Why do you still have shorts on?”

“I… uh, won’t in a second.”

He chuckled as I struggled to get the briefs off while never leaving the bed or pulling back the covers. I pushed them off the side of the bed and moved my hands to his waist, pulling him a little without being forceful. “They’re off.”

I felt his hand moving over my hip and then sliding over the cheek of my ass, and there it stopped as he gave it a gentle squeeze. “Yeah, they are. Eli, why tonight?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why’d you come to me tonight? I, uh, if you are here with me, I’m not taking this lightly. For me, this isn’t a roll in the hay.”

“Don’t take it lightly. You said I was yours, so now I’m here.”

“I said that out loud, didn’t I?” He ducked his head a little and chuckled, then reiterated. “I said it and I meant it, but for me, that means more than just…”

“You’re a dominant. I get it, Noah. I’ve tried to live the lifestyle before, as you know.”

All the while we’re talking, Noah’s hand was moving over my ass, discovering, and he was insistent about it. When he said that he meant my being his, that was when his fingers dipped into the crease right above my hole.

It was a dominant move, punctuating his words with a show that he meantallof me would be his.

It’s what I’d wanted. It’s what I needed. It’s what I thought I was getting with Harvey, but even before I discovered Harvey didn’t want a submissive, that he just wanted a houseboy to do his errands and cleaning, Harvey never made me feel like Noah.

“I want you more than I’ve wanted anything before, Noah,” I confessed in a breath.

“Same here, Eli. I guess I’m just makin’ sure before I take ya.”

The things he said sometimes gave me the chills, and it happened then, when he said he was going to take me. I got chills all over, and then he kissed me again. It was a more insistent kiss, one where his tongue pushed into my mouth, rubbed against mine, and then the kiss was over, and I was left swooning.

The guy made me swoon.

I felt my hips moving, and then Noah moved his own hips closer until our cocks were touching, the stiffness rubbing against each other.

That’s when it heated beyond words, and beyond assurances. We were sure at that point, and there was no more worry that our friendship would suffer. I knew in that moment, when we kissed again, and his hand lay calmly on my hip, that he was my best friend. That was the best part for me, that my best friend would also be the man I’d make love with and submit to, if that’s what we both wanted.

Moving our bodies together, from our chests to our legs, Noah’s leg moving between mine, bending until I felt his thigh on my balls, pressing there. One second my head was over his, then it reversed, our lips and tongues playing, his pre-cum on the bottom of my stomach, scenting the room of him.

The pillows were firm, but he pushed me into them when he was over me, and I was surrounded by them, by him, his hand moving around to my dick. I whimpered when he wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing, stroking, and I tried to do the same to him, but he let go of my dick to slap my hand away.

No doubt who was in charge in that bed. Noah called the shots, made the moves, brought simple moans from me to full-out pleas for more.

There was no rushing him, however, and we continued to make out heavily, my lips beginning to get sore and swollen from it, but it went on, like Noah wanted to see how far he could push me before I’d crack and scream, begging for him to fuck me.

As close as he got while groping my ass, he didn’t touch the hole until he finally sat up in the bed and ordered me to flip over to my stomach. The blanket was thrown off us, what little of it hadn’t already moved on its own, and he slapped a hand on the opposite cheek, moving it to the side to expose me.

“There it is.”

I buried my face in the pillow and laughed. “God,” I said, muffled.
