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He spat on the hole, and the time of it not being touched was done. Noah’s forefinger dipped right inside, not too quickly, but fast enough that I jumped. “Settle down, boy.”

Using only spit for lube, he lewdly fingered me, holding my head a few times when it came up with my hollering. It was good, hot, the way his finger probed me, but then he took my hand and spit on my fingers, pushing them to my ass.

“Help a fella out, boy.”

Together, we fingered my hole, first one finger of mine alongside one of his, and then he added another. Three of them, all moving in and out of my ass while my face was buried in a pillow, muffling all the noises I couldn’t help but make.

When the fingers came out, Noah left the bed, and I turned over to watch him head into the hall. “Where are you going?”

I panted, writhing on the bed, out of my mind with the need for sex, but he just chuckled as he left the room. I laughed too, hearing that. I saw his face in my mind, how his eyes flashed each time he looked at me in the bed, his leering grin as I bucked like Spirit when we tried to get a bridle on him.

I lay there, knowing he was breaking me like the damn horse, using all the same tactics, and I grew happier thinking on it. The man wanted me, maybe more than he realized at first, but he would refuse to break my spirit.

Whatever spirit was left in me, he then owned it.

He was back with a big bottle of lube in his hands and a box of condoms. I finally got a look at the dick I’d coveted for longer than I realized.

It didn’t disappoint. It was much thicker than I’d imagined, what with him being thin and not overly tall. I pictured it long and lean, like him, but it had some nice girth to it, enough that my ass did a little puckering at the thought of it, buried inside me.

“I hate these fucking things, but neither of us has been tested lately. At least I haven’t.”

“I don’t mind. I used them all the time with Harvey. I always had the feeling his long nights at work were really in the bars.”

Noah looked down at me before he threw the things to the bed. “What a dumbass. He had this beauty at home and didn’t appreciate it. That ain’t me, Eli.”

“I know, or I wouldn’t be in this bed right now.”

He smiled as I said that, then gave me a quick slap on the hip. “Move over. It’s cold out here.”

“Couldn’t prove that to me by looking at you,” I said as I stared at his cut dick, swollen and veiny, the kind I loved most. The cold hadn’t shrunk that meat in the slightest.

“Shut the fuck up,” he laughed as he climbed into the bed and pulled the quilt back over us. Before the lube or condoms were touched, he got me right back to where I’d been, crazed with heat. I was kissed, touched all over, his hand squeezing my chest like he was milking old Bossie.

I tried to go down on him, but he wouldn’t let me. “I love a good blow job, Eli, but right now, I want this, you and I face to face.”

If he was trying to make me fall in love with him, and if I hadn’t already, that would have done it. “Okay. Yeah, I like that.”

He spread my legs and moved between them, lying over me to kiss me tenderly. “I don’t share. Ever. If you’re mine, you’re all mine.”

“I don’t want to be shared, and…” I had to stop and look away from him. Those eyes staring into mine, I couldn’t get out the words. “I don’t want to be a trophy.”

To be that vulnerable scared me, but I had to say it. Noah was every bit as good looking as I was, and in my eyes, better. Still, he was older than me, and he could think things I couldn’t live with.

“Oh, you’re a trophy, beautiful and amazing, but I’ll never put you on a shelf. You’re not just to look at and brag over, Eli. You’re a lot more to me than your looks. I can’t do better than that, because, well, you’re fucking beautiful.”

The truth. Hearing it, feeling it, I felt my throat closing with emotion. “That’s fine,” I croaked. “That’s… good.”

“Good. Now, boy, shut up and let me get me a piece of this ass.”

I felt good to laugh together, but the laughter was cut short as he got his cock lined up with my hole and his eyes became serious, staring into mine. “Ready?”

“I’m ready.”

I wanted to scream it, but I was glad after that I’d saved my breath. When he pushed inside me, I groaned out loudly with the air that was left, and even when he stopped so I could adjust, I felt like I had one of the trees that surrounded the place up my ass.

“You okay?” He asked against my lips.

I gave a nod, and he kissed me slowly, hips barely moving to push a little deeper inside me. He took my mind off the intrusive pain with those deep, resonating kisses. It felt like I was on top of the world, looking down into the most beautiful place I’d ever been. There was nothing and no one that could make me feel that way except for Noah, my best friend, my new partner.
