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Noahstartedonmeagain like he was in a race, and he was two miles behind, trying to catch up to whoever he raced. I took it, every thrust, wanting more, losing my mind in it.

The man’s hips and ass, so in shape from riding every day of his life, made for a hell of a ride for me, too. He slammed into me at the last like he was trying his best to thrust me right through the bed.

His face, stony, his eyes steel. He was the earth and the strength I needed, and when he came, the cords of his neck stood out from his rigid shoulders, his head thrown back in a strangled yell.

God, he was beautiful. He was everything to me, and I gripped his waist, pulling him down as soon as he could catch a couple of breaths. “Perfect, so fucking perfect,” I said against his neck.

“You haven’t come yet,” he reminded me, but I didn’t care. Maybe I would later, but at that moment, I didn’t. It was perfect.

“When you’re ready for me to come, I’ll come,” I whispered, content to give him the control.

He moved down beside me and cupped my cheek in his hand for a second before he moved my hair from my eyes. “Oh, I know that.” He stared at me, moving his eyes over my face as he asked in a nearly silent whisper, “You’re something. I thought you were just some mangy mutt on the side of that road. Who knew you’d be in my bed now? And… and more ‘an that. You’re… in my heart, Eli. You know that.”

Seeing how hard it was for him to say, I couldn’t possibly take that lightly. “I think I do, and I know for sure you’re in mine.”

“Good enough for now, I suppose,” he said with a smile. “Now, let’s see about that load you got in your balls.”

I threw back my head in laughter, having the conversation whip so quickly from tentatively romantic to dirty. That was Noah, throwing me for a loop. I lay flat on the bed while he straddled my legs, and all the laughter was gone from him the moment he stared down on me, taking my cock in his hand.

He squirted lube on the crown and let it slither down over my dick before he stroked me. His hand tight on me, he growled, “I’m gonna ask you some things, and I want fast, truthful answers. Don’t even think on the answers, just tell me.”

“Okay,” I barely got out as the sensation of a strong, tight hand stroking me took over my senses. I know for a fact that was his intention. Keep me half out of my mind with lust to extract true answers from me.

He sped his movement a little as he asked, “You like pain?”

“Yes,” I answered without a thought. I did, and that was the truth, and he didn’t question that, but his next question caught me off guard.

“You think you deserve it? Getting hurt that way?”

I blinked, but I said fast, “No!”

That seemed to appease him, and the following question was easier to answer except for the fact I was ready to scream with the orgasm that was quickly coming through me.

“Why do you like the pain, then?”

Choking on my answer, I tried to speak, but it wouldn’t come, and my head started thrashing, but he didn’t let up on the stroking, and demanded I answer.

“I… Jesus,fuck!It takes me out of my head!” I tried to grab onto his hand, but he used his other one to slap mine away. “I have racing thoughts, always have, since I was a kid,” I managed before I tightened. “I’m gonna come, Noah, please!”

“Don’t you dare until I tell ya to. Finish telling me or I’ll make you wait a lot longer than you had planned.”

That was a threat I couldn’t take, so I took my mind away from what was happening to my dick and the climax that begged to take me. When I used it to focus instead, I got out, “When I’m being controlled, when I’m serving, when I get pain, it takes me out of my head. I can’t think, and I can feel. I can’t feel unless… I don’t know!”

With a low voice that was barely above a whisper, “Come now.”

I’d been with plenty of dominant men, and I tried my best to serve them, though sometimes my heart wasn’t in it. Not only was my heart in it with Noah, it seemed the rest of me was too. I came in a screech that pierced the night, then my body tightened with it, including my chest to the point I couldn’t take in a bit of air.

I felt like I was suffocating in it, like he’d wrapped me up in words and feelings and my body submitted to him like it never had to anyone. I came, and he slowed down his movements on my dick, but he watched me, his eyes steel, his lips curved into a little, triumphant smile.

When he released my dick, he moved up on the bed to tighten on the rest of me, wrapping me into his arms and holding me, settling me like I’d had a panic attack instead of an orgasm.

“Shh, good boy, Eli. You did great.”

I let myself be engulfed in muscular arms, in the breath on my shoulder, the fingers grazing up and down my back. I nestled into that embrace, enjoying it, and hearing his voice just made it all better. “Sleep in here with me tonight. I don’t want to let you go until morning.”

“Fine by me,” I said, and meant it. I didn’t want to assume I’d be sleeping in his bed regularly, but for that night, I wouldn’t have left until he dragged me out of it.

“Eli, go to sleep now. We have work in the morning, and I’m gonna need to fuck you again before work.”
