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Richard gave Noah a wink and the tension at the table dropped completely as Noah started to laugh. I was glad of that, but more impressed with Richard’s ideas. “I’ll get you to email me any other pertinent information, but for now, let me say, Eli, that I’m… a shark.”

“He is.”

“Thank you, Noah, nicest thing you’ve said about me today,” he responded good-naturedly. “What I will do, being I’m that guy, is go after him with both barrels. That is to say, I’m going to demand half of everything. I’m going to threaten him with a full divorce, lying just a bit, saying you have a copy of the contract you’ve signed.”

“I don’t, though.”

“He won’t know that. Even if he does, he won’t know for sure. It’s a seed of doubt. I will also set an investigator on him, one that doesn’t hide very well.”

I was catching on. “So, he knows he’s being watched.”

“Paranoia is something that rarely fails, my boy. Now, I’ll also mention insurance fraud, just in passing, setting a little more of a bug in their ears. Start high with the negotiations and then, if it’s truly what you want, once he drops everything, I will too. We’ll sign a few papers, saying you don’t owe him anything. Same for him with you, and you can live out your days on the ranch with this cranky old fucker.”

I was shocked, but happier than I thought I could be, talking to a lawyer. “You really are a shark.”

“Aw, thanks, Eli.”

Chapter Thirteen

Afterthelawyer,Iwas hyped. I mean, what a change in my world, having people on my side against someone I thought no one could touch. Noah read my mood well, laughing with me for no reason, just out of nowhere.

He asked, “Dinner, movie or toy store?”

“Toy. Store.” I looked over and giggled like a teen girl. “Sex might be all we do tonight, no matter your romantic intentions.”

“Don’t fuck up my plans, boy. Maybe dinner and a movie are part of the sex.”

Intrigued, I asked, “Oh, yeah? Like?”

“Shut the fuck up,” he said, and his voice was serious and growly. I got hard so fast, I thought I’d faint for lack of blood in the rest of me.

I bit my lips, swooning over his dominance. I was a sucker for it, sure, but Noah was just… that. Dominant without even trying hard. I loved it, and on top of everything, if things went to shit the following day, that day was all about Noah and how much I wanted to celebrate with him.

I sat, but I didn’t just sit. I was rubbing my hands over my thighs, as they were sweating. For once, it wasn’t from nerves, it was pure anticipation that had me “jumpy”. And for the first time, Noah didn’t get on me about my jumpiness. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it.

We got back to the motel, and he threw me a nice shirt, and had one for himself. We didn’t change our jeans, as Noah commented we weren’tputting on airs. He grabbed me after we were dressed, kissing me for a long time while we stood by that generic bed in that generic room that was still a lot nicer than the place I’d stopped leaving Harvey.

“Gonna show you a good time, then you’re gonna show me one,” he whispered. I wanted to drop to my knees again for the man, but instead, I simply smiled. He knew that was all the vow I needed to make to him and took my hand, leading me out of the motel room door and held it all the way to the elevator.

In the truck, he reached over and grabbed my hand. “It’s not all about sex tonight. Just some of it. The rest is me showing off my man, seeing you happy and just having some fun. Got that?”

“Noah, I know it’s not just sex between us. The sex is just a really amazing topping on the cake.”

“Yes, it is,” he said, then started the truck as we both laughed heartily.

We found an adult themed store in one of the smaller suburbs of the city. It was a sprawling place, and the moment we walked inside, we were like kids in a candy store.

There was everything: clothing, equipment for playrooms, bondage gear, full latex suits with full face masks, videos and, of course, sex toys. I walked around the equipment first, seeing things even I’d never seen. Noah walked along with me, like he gauged my reactions to things. He only reminded me once that he didn’t use things like that, that he used things he had around the ranch already.

When I thought of that, it sparked my imagination, but I couldn’t help but stare at some things and wonder how Noah could interpret those into things on the ranch.

We looked over the videos, and there was a surprisingly large section of gay porn. I picked up a few, gazing at the covers of the beautiful men, and Noah took them right out of my hands, growling. “You have one dick to look at, boy.”

“Yours is much better anyway,” I gave him, winking at him to deflate his worry.

When we made it around to the dildos, the walls and displays of them, he reiterated. “Well, I guess I am a liar. You’re gonna have a few dicks to look at. Only one’s gonna be real.”

I was standing in the middle of the aisle with my jaw on the floor, staring at all of them. Every size, shape and color of fake dick was in that store.
