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Now, I’m no novice to the world of sex toys. I’ve seen my share, but never a selection like that. Noah plucked a particularly bright neon pink dong off the wall, the plastic over the front of the package making it shine in the lights of the place. “I’d never lose you in the dark.”

“No,” I said, taking the thing and placing it back on its hook.

Chuckling darkly, he moved down the line, and I saw him looking over some big ones. Now… I’m not talking about ten-inch round ones. I’m talking double that. He said he wanted one as big as his arm, but I didn’t take him seriously.

I grabbed his hand and led him away from those, too. “Maybe we’ll work up to that… in seven or eight years.”


“Ouch,” I said, laughing.

When we went down the aisle some and found more than I thought I could handle, Noah leaned in to whisper to me, “I’m going to work you up to bigger things, you know. My fist is going up inside you eventually, when you’re ready for it.”

I’d seen it done. I’ve talked to people that enjoyed it, but not once in my life had I ever thought of trying it myself. Noah sounded so confident in the statement that I knew it would happen someday, and it made me a little nervous, but more than that, it turned me on.

Noah grabbed two dildos, ten inches around in circumference, then another a little bigger and one a little smaller. He then went over to the line of ropes and took a few of the smooth nylon kind, adding them to the growing collection.

“Glad you don’t use the ropes at the ranch. Those would leave some nasty burns.”

“Who said I don’t?” He asked, not looking my way as he examined some other bondage gear.


“Hee hee,” he giggled, giving me a wink.

He had me hold our items while he went for a basket, and while he was gone, I looked over our selections, and must have been smiling, as a woman walking by whispered, “Oh, my, looks like you and your partner are going to have a night of it.”

I wasn’t used to people asking me things like that, people I didn’t know or that weren’t in a club, and never a woman. “Uh…”

She laughed as she passed, her own arms filled with things from around the store. Once Noah was back, I told him what she’d said, and he agreed with her. “Well, we are, aren’t we? I mean, we could just go back to the motel and go to sleep…”

“Not a fucking chance.”

After buying four dildos, a rather large and heavy butt plug, the rope, lube and some flavored condoms, we left the store and drove to a gas station. I had to hit the head, and before I could leave the restroom, Noah came in and pushed me into a stall.

I was pressed against the metal sectional of it, Noah kissing me in such a way that left us both panting after he pulled back, staring into my eyes. “How the hell are you not conceited? I keep looking at you, thinking, my god, what a beautiful man…”

“I used to be,” I admitted, and that was the truth. “Cruising in the clubs, I knew I was hot, and I’d act like an ass sometimes. I had a couple of guys put me in my place, telling me looks fade but character lasts. I took it to heart.”

“Well, your character is what I love about you,” he said, caressing my face. “But you… I picture you on the bed all the time now, and that pretty boy face of yours is contorting in pain. I think you’ll be so beautiful like that.”

He had me. Right then, I knew I’d do anything to make that vision come true for him. “Then… hurt me.”

“I plan on it. Right now, you need to turn around and stay with your face away from me.”

“Okay,” I said, and then I did it, turning to the metal section, but I didn’t place my face against it, because, well, it was a men’s bathroom wall. Gross.

I smelled rubbing alcohol, and that worried me, making me squirm as I stood there, and immediately, I felt a hand rubbing over my back. “Settle. I’m right here. I’m not hurting you yet, Eli.”

“Okay,” I said, but the smell of the alcohol had made me nervous. I wasn’t into fire play, and the last time I’d smelled alcohol in the clubs, it was because someone was using the alcohol to set lines of it on a sub’s skin ablaze.

But then, Noah told me to get my pants down, and I did, but my hands were shaking a little, so it took a minute to comply. When my pants were around my knees, he pulled my hip, so my ass moved back and I felt a finger moving between my cheeks, probing until it slipped inside me.

We’d been fucking enough that it took only seconds for me to adjust to the finger, but that wasn’t the problem. The thing was, something much bigger was about to enter me, and when I felt the coldness of it touching me, I knew then what was happening.

He’d cleaned the metal butt plug with the alcohol, and he’d put lube on it. As he pressed it to my hole, his hand holding my cheek to the side, he whispered, “You’re gonna wear this all night, until we get back to the motel. Once we’re there, I’m going to fuck you with the dildos. This is gonna help open you for that.”

My head dropped between my arms that held me braced on the stall, and I let out a long, relieved breath. I’d thought things that had me tensed up like I was heading back into a panic attack, and just like that, he not only gave me relief, but arousal, too.
