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Not that it was a small thing, what we were doing. I’d wear a heavy plug in public, and I knew my challenge was so no one except Noah and I were the wiser of it. It was pushed more aggressively, and it slid in with some effort. Once there, it was pressed hard against my prostate, and I felt myself shaking more, knowing that I’d have to act naturally the entire evening with that pressure, that arousal.

“I’m gonna be so fucking hard all night,” I whispered, my voice cracking a lot.

“Yeah, I’m guessin’ you will. That’s half the fun.”

Sadistic in fun ways, that was Noah. My first real sign of it was that night, and it only got better after that.

My pants back over my hips and fastened, Noah turned me to face him, his evil grin the biggest show of the joy he was taking at my problem. “Gonna be tough for you to sit in that theater and through dinner, but I have a lot of confidence in you.”

“Oh good! Because that was what I was worried about was your confidence in me,” I teased, then moved and felt the thing press even harder into my prostate.

He laughed like that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, and we left the stall to wash our hands and I looked in the mirror to see my hair mussed.

“Better fix that weird ponytail,” he suggested cheerily. “You look a little… disheveled.”

“Thanks,” I said, with a bark of laughter that felt good, even as it moved the damn plug again. I slicked back my hair, seeing the sides needed shaving again. “I wish I had taken care of this before we left.”

“Looks good. Leave it be. You need hair in the damn winter. Shave it once spring hits.”

That was a good point, but ever since leaving the military, I’d worn it like that. “I don’t know…”

“Freeze then. Come on, I’m hungry.”

We went to dinner first at a nice burger joint that had fifty different kinds of burgers. Noah had the Swiss and mushroom while I debated between the jalapeno and the bacon with extra cheese.

“Do the bacon,” he suggested in his regular voice, then leaned over to whisper, “Do you really want a jalapeno coming out after…”

“Shit,” I said, covering my smile with my hand, then promptly ordered the bacon burger while trying and failing to keep the laughter from bursting out of me.

The waitress looked strangely at me, and I had to keep my eyes on her and avoid Noah to finish my order.

The tablecloths were long, which I was grateful for, because, besides that bit of laughter taking it down, my dick was hard nearly from the second we entered the place. It was a nice enough place, nothing fancy, of which I was glad, especially in my current circumstances. The waitresses wore t-shirts emblazoned with the eatery logo, the tables were covered in black-and-white checkered tablecloths and there were little jukeboxes on each table.

“I remember these,” Noah said as he fished a quarter out of his jeans. “They were quite the thing back in the day.”

“You talk like you’re ancient. Fifty isn’t as old as it used to be.”

“I’m Golden Girls old, Eli,” he argued. “I’m not worried about it. I must be okay to look at, getting a guy like you in my bed, and one that fell for me.”

I fell for him. It was impossible not to. “Didn’t you date much after…”

“No. I fucked. I’m not a monk. I’d head into town a couple times a month to an old friend who is in the closet but likes having some fun now and then. He doesn’t mind getting rough, either. That was a plus, though rough, and what we’re doing are two different things.”

“But that’s… over now, right?” My throat was closing with the thought of it, Noah with anyone else. If I was being truthful to myself, not that I’d ever probably admit it to Noah, I was even jealous of his dead husband.

That wasn’t a thought I was proud of, sure, but it couldn’t be helped. I found myself loving Noah, maybe more than I had even expected, when I discovered I had feelings for him.

“Eli, I said I wouldn’t share you. Do you think I have different rules for myself? I’m not a man that holds to cheating in any way. Not even with permission.”

The way he said that, final and like the conversation was closed, it made me think that he’d experienced it in the past. Shit, I had a bunch of times, and though they were only suspicions, I thought I’d recently left a cheater. Still, despite the darkening of his eyes as he looked around the room, I thought it was pretty obvious.

The food was amazing and there were a few times I forgot all about the big metal thing in my ass. That changed when I went to take a piss, and it further changed when we got up to leave the restaurant.

We got into the truck again, and it pinged me so badly, I jumped. “That was… interesting.”

“I bet.”

He was gleeful again, so I was glad I hadn’t ruined things with my show of jealousy. It told me one thing, that we needed to talk more about the relationship, as we had with the lifestyle. Hell, we needed to talk more about that too, but for now, that was covered. The rest bothered me a little. Maybe I needed more reassurance, but I needed to know why one of the first things he said was that he wouldn’t share.
