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“I thought I was the one saddled.”

“Oh! You like those toys, huh?” He turned and grabbed my face, growling, “Gonna ride you like a pony.”

I melted again, then whinnied.

He blanched, begging, “God, that was terrible. Please don’t do that during sex.”

Chapter Nineteen

Togetbackintothings that would be hard until our amusement was finished. And, most likely, we both felt a little embarrassed.

Noah, though, plowed through like a trooper, and grabbed the back of my head to lead me right back to where we were, to the bales of hay.

“Get back down there after you get those pants down.”

I did as fast as I could, and in that instant, hearing that growl in his voice, I was set back into submission. For him, it was easily done, with a word or even a whisper, and I was ready to kneel.

When I was bent over the bale, Noah sat beside me, and a hand rubbed over the welts that had formed from the belt. “These are sure pretty.”

The markings. I had never known a Dom that was into giving them that didn’t love to admire them. My ass felt like it had been rubbed with sandpaper, but I just enjoyed that sensation. The skin, raw and abused, the remembrance of the way it got that way, all were things that settled me into a place where the world went away, all the troubles and concerns were gone, and I was at a man’s feet.

He took a knife from his pocket and cut the ropes, removing the plug from my ass. I felt empty, like something was missing, but that didn’t last. “Get up now. I have a place for you for a couple of hours.”

“A place?”

“Yeah. Now shut your trap and follow me, if you can walk with your pants down like that.”

I got up and from what he’d said, I didn’t pull my pants back into place.

The barn was big. I don’t know if I’d aptly described it well. The thing is huge and even after all the weeks I’d been on the ranch I haven’t explored it all. Besides the stables, the haystacks, the workshop and all that, there was a separate part where he kept a lot of his equipment.

That’s where he’d pulled the metal car ramps from, and I’d seen it once, when I replaced them. Well, we walked past my bike on the way there, and he informed me, “You’re not gonna want to ride that thing for a while either.”

I stared at the back of his hat, but he didn’t even glance at me, just leading me, albeit slowly, with my pants around my knees, to the equipment room.

Once there, I looked around to see all the things he used for the cattle and horses. It was like a warehouse, and I hadn’t known how big it was until he flipped the switch for the overhead lights.

It took up the rest of the space in the barn, all that space I hadn’t seen. At least the size of the other areas I mentioned. And I saw why. There was where he stored the plow for the truck to get through snow and other heavy equipment, like a small bulldozer I’d later learn was for gathering manure into huge piles.

And he used and traded that too, for fertilizer. The man was amazing.

There was a cage-like thing in the center, big enough for cows, another taller one next to that, shelves of smaller things against the far wall that he told me later was for the breeding and such of the horses and cattle. Another rack held all the tack he used on the ranch, and by rack, I mean a floor to ceiling set of racks with a rolling ladder to help get to the top ones.

There were extra troughs, gleaming new, and older ones, a little beaten up, but still usable. Noah had told me a while back he used the ones too beat up for the horses to use as planters for his vegetable garden.

It was an immense space just filled with the items needed to run a ranch, but for Noah, it was about to become dual-purposed.

I followed him to one cage and was pushed inside of it. “This here is a longhorn cage. Now, I don’t have any longhorn, but I saw it at a friend’s ranch, and she used it for branding and a few other things. I find it pretty versatile, and now I’m adding it to a list. Things to tie you into.”

I turned to him and tried not to smile, but it came anyway. “Oh. I see.”

“You’re gonna.”

He left, after shutting me into the thing, and started for the wall of tack, climbing up on the ladder to reach some of the higher things. I watched him, what I could see around the bobcat, and he started back over with an armful of things. All leather.

Leather was an aphrodisiac. The smell of it, the sound it made when contacting with the skin… and not just being whipped by leather. I’m talking just the whisper of it when a jacket slid over my arms. It was hard not to have an erection every time I put on my leather jacket when I wanted to ride.

The feel of it too, simply sitting against my flesh, and that was what I was about to experience. He came into the cage and explained as he started placing each thing to hang over one of the bar rails of the cage, “I keep all my tack clean, so don’t worry about it being for a horse right now. After I place those orders, and a few more things you didn’t get a choice about, you’ll have your own. I’m impatient, though. And in here, there are no neighbors going to interrupt us. Fact is, you can even scream your damn head off in here, and I doubt anyone that’s not pressing an ear to the wall could hear ya.”

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