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“An army man,” Noah answered. “This one folds that way too, and I don’t even think he knows it.”

I didn’t. “Habit, I guess.”

“Should have seen him cleaning before you got here.”

Damon laughed and said, “Good thing. This fucker of mine would have gone around with a white glove, checking for dust.”

“Fuck off,” Burke said to Damon, laughing.

When Noah brought in dessert and his best bottle of brandy, the group settled in, laughing more than I remembered laughing in a long time. Noah and I had a lot of fun, but we didn’t laugh our heads off, so that was welcome.

We gave them the spare room, but no one went to bed until nearly two in the morning. Noah was up early still, and I climbed out of bed at six, surprised to find Damon in the kitchen.

“Figured you’d sleep in.”

“Nah. I was born on a farm. Couldn’t sleep past six if my life depended on it. I don’t mind. I dig mornings, and Burke can sleep half the day away, so I get the apartment to myself. I was just about to go see if your man needed help.”

“You really like the country. I will admit, I’ve never lived in a place this far out of the city, but I love it. Give Burke a few days, and he might come around.”

“Find us a nice piece of ass out here, and that’ll get him.”

“Those are…” I thought a second and Joel came to mind, but that shy young man, scared of his own shadow, would likely run like someone was trying to murder him, being with Burke and Damon. They were serious about kink, and they got pretty nasty. “Um, few and far between out here, but it’s possible. I guess.”

“You thought of someone. I saw it on your face.”

“No. The only guy I know around here that is gay is a young guy that probably has no experience fucking, let alone…”

“Cleaning my boots with his tongue the minute I walk in the door?”

“Yeah. That.”

We went out to help Noah, and with the three of us, we got all the chores done in record time. Noah and Damon got along great, and I was happy to see it. I’d met a few of his friends, the rancher and country type, but he didn’t have any that were into leather and kink.

Burke found me as I was in the barn, giving Spirit an apple. “Hey, Private.”

“Hey, Sarg.”

He clapped me on the shoulder, asking for Damon. “He gets up with the fucking chickens.”

“So, he said. He loves it here,” I warned. “Like… a lot. I wouldn’t mind having you for a neighbor.”

“At least someone who knows when you’re wearing a chastity belt?”

If I didn’t have a huge butt plug up my ass, I might have shit myself when he asked that, and, as it was, my expression must have shown my shock. Burke cracked up laughing to the point he had to bend over, holding his side.

“Good stuff,” he guffawed.

“How did you know?”

When he could finally speak, he leaned in and reminded me, “I’m a fucking Dom, Eli. I can always tell. You got a cock cage and a plug too, by the way you’re walking. When you sit, you’re getting the fuck beat out of your sweet spot.”

“Fucking hell…”

“Don’t worry about it. I think it’s great. It’s what you’ve wanted for a long time. And Noah… well, I don’t know him a lot yet, but I like him, Eli. I mean, he loves you like crazy. It’s all over his face when he’s with you. And you’re a love-struck little subbie.”

“Yeah, so,” I complained, still reeling about the belt. “You can tell, but do you think… like other people…?”

“No. It doesn’t show, it’s how you’re walking. Stop worrying.”

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