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I smiled and pet Spirit. “He’s… training me like he would a wild horse. Like this guy.”

“Really? How is that?”

“Good. He… calms me.”

“I noticed.”

He was staring at me, and it embarrassed me something awful. “What?”

“Nothing. I’m happy for you. If this place does this for you, maybe I’ll consider it.”

“Good. I’d like to have you around.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Wesataroundtheliving room after an amazing dinner of roast pork, and Noah made mashed potatoes that were so creamy and spiced that Burke had a second portion and he didn’t do many carbs.

“You need a workout room,” he mentioned to us as he sat back on the couch next to Damon. “I need to work that meal off.”

“You could get up with us in the morning and do ranch work. That’ll work it off,” Damon teased.

“Up when? Five? Four? I barely go to sleep at those times most nights.”

“The night owl,” his partner told us.

“It would be good to have some weights, yeah,” I agreed. “Lifting bales is great, but I need to work on some muscles that don’t get a lot of love around here.”

“We can get some weights. Set them up in the barn. I’d say the soddy, but I don’t think it would all fit unless you took out the furniture.”

“Eli showed that to me, said you added his name to the deed with yours. That’s a hell of a commitment to him so early in the relationship,” Burke mentioned, eyeing Noah hard to see his reaction.

Classic Noah, he nodded like he wasn’t being interrogated. “Yup. He needed some assurances, whether or not he knew that.”

I tried to explain to Noah about Burke, “He looks out for me, that’s all.”

“I don’t mind that one bit,” Noah growled. “And you don’t have to get in the middle of something that’s nothing, really. I’m glad he looks out for you.”

Burke chuckled and nodded to Noah in a way that made me see they understood each other. “That last guy, I almost dragged this fucker out of that apartment and away from him, but Eli can be stubborn about things. He has to figure it out on his own. I gotta say, Noah, I’ve never seen him so happy.”

Noah beamed at the compliment. “Thank you. He’s not an easy one, but he’s worth the effort.”

“Sounds like I’m a horse again,” I teased, cuddling into him on the big chair.

“You’re always a stud, baby.”

Damon’s eyes rolled hard as he groaned, “Good god. New love, it’s so gross.”

“Shut up,” Burke said, elbowing him. “We’re still… kinda new.”

“Years. We’ve been together for years. We’re an old married couple now.”

Burke laughed and kissed his partner solidly. “Well, we just need a boy to spice things up. Someone ready for our style of kink.”

“If I may ask,” Noah started, watching them both turn to us. “What is your style?”

I groaned and whispered to Noah, “They’re worse than us.”

“We are not bad,” Burke scolded. “We’re just… kinky.”
