Page 3 of Hollywood Squares

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She finally disappears into the Wonder offices and I shut the damn thing off, my heart hammering in my chest.

They’ve already fired her and I swear under my breath. She must be going there to beg for her job back. I wish I could call her up and tell her that she should just tell them to fuck off.

As soon as I found out that they fired her, I called and cancelled on the movie I was supposed to be doing with them. It wasn’t with her. She has refused to work with me since our divorce. But I am not working with a company that has no loyalty to their stars. And that’s what she is. She’s their top-draw. The woman that always gets perfect reviews. Everyone loves her.

Until now apparently.

It makes me sick. What the hell was she supposed to do about who her father was? No child gets to pick who their biological parents are. There are a lot of people in Hollywood that come up with a whole new biography, a new truth for their lives, that they release. And everyone goes about their business and cheers them on for being such great people even though we all know it’s a damn lie. They cheer the lie. Act like it’s truth and refuse to even consider that it isn’t.

Unless you get caught. And then it’s like they’re honor-bound to destroy you. For getting found out. For not being able to keep the lie going. It’s all your fault and you deserve every last bit of trouble that comes your way.

It’s disgusting.

But in Hollywood that’s how things work.

I walk to my bedroom and pick up my phone to call my agent. Who also happens to be the brother of Candy’s agent. The two of them handle some of the top names in the business and most of the time they’re the best.

“Hey, Brad. How are things going?”

He sighs. “Well, let’s see. You just dropped your most lucrative contract and I had to tell them that you wouldn’t work for them again so that’s how I’m doing. How about you?” He snarks.

“I’m good.” I take a deep breath and then plunge forward. “So…how are things going for your brother?”

Once again, he sighs heavily. “You know damn well how it’s going. Why the hell won’t you leave this alone, Garret? She doesn’t want anything to do with you and it’s not like you to kick someone while they’re down. Do yourself a favor and go on with your work and your life and let…this…drop.” His last words are clearly enunciated and curt.

“You know I can’t do that. She’s my wife.”

“She’s your ex-wife.”


He snorts out a laugh. “That’s the only thing that matters is legally. Nobody cares if you feel married or not.”

“Too damn bad. Because no matter what happens, Candy will always be my wife.”

“You are a sad fucker, you know that. When are you going to give this up? You know that she doesn’t want anything to do with you!”

“Yeah. But I just can’t let it go.”

“It’s been ten years, Garret. She’s moved on. Why haven’t you?”

“Never gonna happen.” My heart sinks. “What do you mean, she’s moved on?”

“You know as much as I do. She doesn’t date. She hasn’t been linked with anyone since you. I’m just saying…she’s not interested in you either.”

Relief floods me, like warm honey and sunlight moving across my body. “Yeah. I actually want you to do something for me.”


“Find out if she’s got anything going on. If she’s involved in anything right now.”

“She isn’t. They dropped her from every damn thing she had scheduled.”

“Okay. Well, as soon as she gets anything, let me know.”


“You don’t want to know. Just talk to your brother and find out what’s going on.”
