Page 102 of Rejected Beta

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"How'd you get here so fast?" I ask.

Hendrix snorts. “We ran."

"Enzo is here." The bell on the door jingles right after Aurora's announcement.

I take one last moment to take comfort in Jareth and Hendrix's arms before pulling away reluctantly and turning to greet Enzo, who already has the papers in his hand and a ferocious scowl on his face.

"I can't believe they found anyone to listen to them. It's probably what took so long for them to respond to you rejecting them and Jareth leaving them for you."

"Do they have a case?" I ask, voice trembling.

"With all the evidence we have? Not a chance. Especially not here. This is pure desperation and there isn't a judge in this town that won't dismiss it. Even better that you’re staying at Ryder's house and are forming a pack with an alpha and an omega. That offers more stability to a child than two feral alphas. I'll handle everything and you don't worry about a single thing. All you need to do is show up to the court date and it'll all be over. They'll be denied and you'll be officially free. I think I might go after some child support too, since they haven't paid you shit this whole time."

"Won't that give them rights to her?”

That’s the last thing I want. I just want them gone. I don’t need their money.

Enzo shakes his head. ”No. I'm going after it for pure spite."

Aurora nods. “Let him. He's very good at his job. Utterly ruthless."

Something Aurora clearly appreciates. And fair enough. I like it when my beta gets all snarly too, at least when it's aimed at someone else.

"Thank you so much for helping me."

Enzo waves off my gratitude. “You're welcome. I'm having a blast planning pure humiliation for these fuckers, so let me have my fun."

"Go for it." I have no interest in playing nice.

Even less so now.

I feel better about everything after all the reassurance from Enzo, but I can't completely shake the dread. They don't really know if things will go my way. We may have a lot of evidence to disprove their words, but I know better than to count on justice against alphas in this world. I don't want to run again, the thought of uprooting Lexie from this place making me sick, but it'll be better than losing her to them.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

It can't.
