Page 40 of Mr Nice Guy

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Tanner starts to turn his back on me again, but once again I grab his shoulder and push him back against the door. It occurs to me that he’s probably never had sex with a guy front-on. Well, this is going to be an interesting experience for him, then.

“I don’t—how are you—”

Before he has a chance to finish the question, I grab his thighs and hoist him off the ground, thrusting forward and driving deep inside him.

Tanner lets out a strangled groan, his head falling back against the door with the thud.

“Do you want to use your safe word?”

“God, no. Just fuck me,” he groans, wrapping his legs around my waist like a vise and urging me forward.

I crash my mouth to his, kissing him with a wild, desperate hunger as I fuck him hard enough to make the door rattle. I hope the hinges are good quality, because otherwise we’re screwed.

He feels just as incredible wrapped around my cock as he did the first time. I’d love to be bare inside him, but I fully respect his wishes on that matter, and even with the latex barrier, sex with Tanner Grimsay is just so much fucking better than sex with anyone else. I’m not sure why, exactly; maybe just because I’ve wanted it for so long.

The sex we had earlier in the week was phenomenal, but this…it’s just next level. It’s so muchmore.I know that the level of intimacy I’m feeling right now is completely one-sided. Tanner couldn’t give a fuck about us being face to face, and clinging to each other, and sharing kisses like they’re full of oxygen we need to survive. But I care; I need this. And I appreciate that he’s giving it to me even if he’d prefer a hard, rough fuck from behind where he didn’t have to think too much about the fact that the cock buried inside him was actually attached to a man.

“Deacon…shit…I don’t…I don’t…”

Concerned by the thread of his words and the desperation in his tone, I pause my movements and look at Tanner. “What is it? Are you okay?”


“Do you need your safe word? It’s Vikings,” I remind him.

He shakes his head. “No. Don’t stop…don’t stop. I just…I don’t…”


“I don’t understand,” he murmurs.

“Understand what?”

He shakes his head. “Just fuck me,” he rasps out. “Don’t stop. Fuck me.”

His arms tighten around me and he drops his head to the crook of my neck. I’m surprised but encouraged when I feel his lips against my skin. Kissing and sucking in a way that makes my body shiver.

I’m not sure what’s going on, but he’s specifically told me not to stop, so I don’t. I speed up the tempo again, snapping my hips hard and driving in deep.

Fuck, I want to go farther, deeper, but this position’s not really the best for that and I’m not about to change it up now. Not when Tanner’s wrapped around me like a koala bear and sucking on my neck like I’m a watermelonJolly Rancher.

“Fuck, I need to come,” Tanner groans, finally tearing his head from my neck and slamming it back against the door, his expression pained with desperation. “So close.”

“Grab your dick, babe,” I tell him. “Get yourself there.”

He nods and drops his left hand from around my shoulders to reach between us and stroke his angry, throbbing cock.

I claim his lips again, devouring his mouth as I continue to thrust hard inside him. I’m so close to the edge; I can feel the heat building in my belly, the tingling in my balls. I’m sure I’ll get there before Tanner does, which wouldn’t be a bad thing—maybe I can finish him off with my mouth after all.

It doesn’t turn out that way, however. He flies over the edge first, groaning into my mouth and gripping my shoulder hard enough to bruise. His hole clamps down around my cock like a vise and it’s enough to trigger my own release. I come hard into the condom, accidentally biting Tanner’s lip in the process.

I draw away from him, offering a sheepish smile as I try to gather myself. “Sorry about that.”

“Huh?” He looks completely out of it and it’s fucking adorable. I realize he’s more than two decades older than me, but that is exactly the right word to describe his bewildered, blissed-out expression right now.

I just give a wry shake of my head and take a moment to survey the situation before me. I’m going to have to pull my dick out of Tanner and get rid of the condom soon, not to mention my legs are trembling and my arms are aching—this position is not exactly the most sustainable, especially when the bottom is relatively tall and leanly muscled—but I just need a moment. I notice Tanner’s hand is covered in his cum, and that gives me the motivation I need to finally set him back on the ground, letting my cock fall from his ass.

Once my arms are free, I grab his left hand and bring it to my mouth, cleaning up the tasty mess with my tongue.
