Page 34 of Pursued

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My breath punched in my chest. She was so beautiful, so vibrant. A sunlit sprite too good for a dark creature like me.

She looked so at home, just as I’d pictured when I’d purchased this house three years ago. I’d planned on surprising her with it as a mate-gift. There was even a meadow she could use to start her flower farm.

I watched her for long minutes, hidden in that shadowy dimension where vampires can’t be detected before returning to the physical world. Opening the sliding door, I stepped outside.

I could tell the instant she sensed me. Her spine straightened, her face lowered.

My mouth twisted.She didn’t come back for you.

It was so obvious she had a hidden agenda. But I could wait. Sooner or later, she’d tell me the truth. Mila was too open, too honest, to keep a secret for long.

She finished her coffee and set the mug on a round black patio table. By the time she turned to me, she had a smile on her face. A smile that almost looked real. “Morning.”

I inclined my head. “You slept okay?”

A small shrug. “Yeah.” She waved a hand at her outfit. “I wanted to thank you for the clothes.”

“You like them?”

This time, her smile was genuine. “I love them. Lougenia has good taste.”

I nodded noncommittally. The hour I’d spent ordering her clothes had been worth it. It satisfied something primal in me, seeing her dressed head to toe in an outfit I’d chosen.

And I couldn’t wait to see her in that blood-red romper-thingy.


I fingered the gold bracelet in my pocket and prowled closer. “Everything fits?”

“I think so. Yeah.”

“You don’t know?”

I stopped a foot away from her. She gazed up at me, brown eyes wide. “I didn’t try everything on.”

I captured a strand of wavy dark hair between my fingers. “What about the nightgowns? And that red mesh romper?”

She moistened her lips. “What about it—them?”

“Did you try the romper on?” I pictured her leaning over a chair, bottom turned up with those crotchless panties framing her pretty sex, and went instantly hard. But I kept my face expressionless, enjoying how her heart sped up as if she were picturing the same thing.

“No. Not yet. But I’m sure it—they’re—fine.” She gulped. “Everything’s fine, I mean.”

“You’ll tell me if there’s a problem.”

“Okay. Sure.” A pulse fluttered in her throat.

I snaked an arm around her waist and set my mouth to that tempting flutter. Not to drink, just to tease us both. I wouldn’t feed from her until she was stronger, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t touch her.

Her throat muscles worked beneath my lips. I nudged the shirt away from her shoulder and trailed kisses over her collarbone. She smelled clean and fresh.

“Would you like to see the beach?” I moved my mouth to the soft golden skin beneath her jaw and sucked—hard.

Her breath hitched. Her heart sped up, the rapid beat a counterpoint to the boom of the surf.

“The beach?”

“Mm-hm.” I nibbled on her earlobe. “Down below, there’s a private beach. Nobody can reach it except us, and the local boaters know to keep away.”

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