Page 108 of Taken

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“So why are they targets? Other than because of their father, that is?”

“Damn if I know. But I don’t think Crow’s a traitor. I think she’s obsessed. You know how she gets.”

“Yeah. If she had her way, she’d wipe out the syndicates completely.”

“She probably saw this chance to take out PK and his sons in one blow, and took it. Losing that many people at the top will throw their syndicate into disarray for years.”

I grunted in agreement. “There’d be challenges, infighting… Fuck. You might be right about Crow.”

Twilight made a low, confused sound. “The hell with it. I’m going to get P3 out. You know how they caught him? He was protecting the Ice Queen’s daughter from her own mom and that creepy blond lieutenant. They were slapping her around in front of a roomful of people.”

“Huh. Didn’t think Prince Charming had the balls to go up against a roomful of vampires.”

“Man’s tougher than he looks.”

“So’s his brother.”

She grunted. “You like him, don’t you? P2.”

A dirty white semi-truck rumbled by on the way to one of the Hunters Point food distribution centers. I gripped my switchblade. My lips still tingled from that last kiss, and I could feel his fingers firm on my chin.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“Just…be careful, all right? These guys are smart. They’d never have lasted as dhampirs in a vampire syndicate if they weren’t. P2 could be playing you.”

“Noted.” But I’d gone way past careful already. And if Zaq was playing me, could I blame him? “So you can do that? Spring P3?”


“Then I vote you go for it. This whole op stinks like a pile of three-day-old shit.”

“Agreed.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m on it. But we never talked, okay? Nobody can know it was me.”

“Not even P2?”

Because damn, Zaq could use some good news. The pressure was getting to him, and he’d never completely recovered from what those pricks had done to him. He was still too thin, and he seemed hungry all the time.

“Especially not him,” was her reply. “He can’t know until everyone else does—you don’t know who he might tell or how it would change how he acts. This can’t point back to me. If it does, I’m dead. You know that.”

I rubbed a hand down my face, wanting to argue but knowing Twilight was right. She was risking a lot as it was.

“Got it. We never talked.”

“And lose this number,” she added. “I won’t be answering it anyway. If I succeed, this cover will be blown.”

“Will do.” I ended the call, put away my knife and headed back to the squat. I’d only gone a half-block when my phone buzzed again. Somehow I knew it was Crow even though I didn’t recognize the caller ID.

I stared at the screen, my thumb hovering over Accept.

Ignore it. You can make some excuse, tell her you were tied up.

Except then I’d still have to contact her later.

And what was wrong with me? Did I honestly believe that my alpha—the woman who’d saved me from the streets and given me a reason to live—would go after innocent men?

Yeah, said a small voice. She would. If they were part of a vampire syndicate.

I accepted the call and kept walking. “It’s me.”

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