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“Well?” Crow demanded.

My fingers clenched on the steering wheel. I was a human. A highly trained human, yes, but at a disadvantage when fighting supernaturals like Crow. I’d have just one chance to do this.

I reached into the door pocket, palmed the dagger and drove it into Crow’s heart in a single fast move. I didn’t even draw a breath so as not to tip her off.

I hit my target dead-on. Crow’s mouth formed a shocked ‘O.’

I heaved a breath. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

Her hand went to the blade’s handle, trying but failing to remove it. “Why?” she croaked.

I looked at her. There were so many things I could say. That Crow had become a zealot who’d lost her moral compass. That I was almost certain she was working on her own, that the BOD hadn’t approved Reaper’s death sentence. That I was sick of the lies and the killing and wanted out.

In the end, all I said was, “Reaper looked so happy.”

Crow’s eyes glazed over. Smoke from her burning body filled the van.

I climbed out of the van and went to her side. Opening the door, I gathered her into my arms and carried her into the woods, where I laid her on the newly-fallen leaves. She’d be ashes within minutes.

I pulled off the false belly and threw it deeper into the woods. The van I left where it was and hiked up the hill to where I’d hidden my motorcycle in the trees.

The last thing I saw were the lights of the Kral mansion in the rearview mirror.

“You’re welcome,” I told Reaper, and aimed my bike for I-95.
