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Chapter One

“Step into my office.”

Quiet, rough around the edges, the voice cut through the din. Smothering the shrill laughter, muting the too loud music. Everything faded away as the scent of leather and oil permeated the air.

Beau’s hands grabbed her. His cruel touch yanked at her hair, shoving her through a space filled to overflowing with smoky darkness and the scent of violence. Beneath it came the harshness of chemicals she had no name for, motor oil, cheap liquor and even cheaper perfumes. An undercurrent of brazen wildness thrummed along her nerves, twisting her panic higher as Beau toppled her to the floor within a dark room.

“Easy on the goods. Not buying if you break her.” The man Devin assumed was Rip paced through the inky shadows, switching on lights.

Too many of them came alive, their brightness blinding blown pupils. Devin whined low in her throat, arms covering her head. Knees curling to her chin, she had a moment to be grateful for the icy cement beneath her cooling the fire simmering under her skin. She pressed a too hot cheek against it, tears staining it a blackened gray before she lost any glimmer of respite.

Another cramp twisted through her stomach, the rush of slick dripping down her thigh to join her misery darkening the floor.

“How long she been like that?”

“Does it matter? Let’s talk price.”

“All right,” Rip said, lowering his bulk into a wide leather chair off to the side.

Devin could feel his eyes, though she couldn’t see him. The heat of his stare worked over her flesh. A scorching touch from feet away that had her writhing, arching against empty air as if to the caress of his hand.

“Five grand up front, and twenty percent for the next six months.” The sole of Beau’s boot connected with Devin’s thigh, flipping her over to face Rip.

Rip laughed. Deep, rich. A heady belly laugh bursting from full lips as he snatched the golden warmth of his eyes from Devin to give Beau his full attention. A slap of a broad palm against the arm of his chair added for good measure, he gave a shake of his head.

“She’s not one of your street girls, Rip. You can charge whatever you want for her. Just think of the margins.”

“Charge what I want, huh? I know my clientele, and they aren’t about to pay enough to make her worth that price.”

“Three and thirty percent, then.”

“What’s wrong with her that you’re trying to unload her on me,” Rip asked with a cant of his head, stretching long legs out. He smiled as Devin whimpered and stroked the arch of his boot. “Other than the fact she looks like you stopped about five minutes short of killing her.”

“Just getting bored with her.” Beau gave an abbreviated shrug. He circled Devin, giving her a wide berth to lean against the far wall.

“I’d be throwing money away getting her patched up enough to spread for the cheapskates. By the looks of her, you’ve kept her strung out however long you’ve had her. Takes its toll.” Rip waved Beau off, giving another shake of his head. “You want to know what thirty percent of nothing is?”

“Try her out, Rip. You’ll see what I’m talking about. She can take anything you dish out and beg for more.”

“Please,” Devin keened, knees and elbows scraping across the rough cement to get closer to the warm sage and darkness teasing at her senses.

“You smell real sweet, baby, but I’ve got something a lot nicer in the other room.” Rip bent down, swiping a rough hand over Devin’s hair. He wasn’t cruel at all, letting Devin nuzzle his palm before pushing her away.

“No way you have anything better,” Beau said through a low growl, twisting Devin’s hair in his fist. Pulling her up on her knees, he displayed her to the other male as Devin panted, hips swiveling to find some source of friction to ease her pain.

“Yeah, I do, and she’s not a hot mess like this one.” Rip stood, stretching his spine with a loud crack and a gratified sigh. “Listen, man, we’ve done good business in the past, so I’ll offer you two for her, but that’s it.”

“That’s not even going to cover the hormones I’ve used on her!”

“Why do you think I get mine the cheap shit?” Rey laughed and started for the door, clapping Beau on the shoulder as he passed. “Final offer. Yes, or no?”

“Fuck.” Beau bared his teeth at Devin when she twisted in his hold, small fingers tugging at his belt. “Fine. Just get her out of my sight.”

“I’ll tell you what, might could add a bit onto it. Let me see what’s out there and I’ll split it fifty-fifty with you. Might as well see what she’s capable of, and shame to waste this.”

“She’s got hours left,” Beau said, releasing Devin to follow Rip towards the door. “And she can take two if you can charge enough for it.”

“Two? Really now.” Rip made a considering noise, opening the door and holding his hand out for Beau to precede him.
