Page 2 of Trapped

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Devin fell to the floor when she tried to follow. Legs giving way under another vicious cramp, she sprawled across the cement. She didn’t feel the cut at her lips, the abrasions on her cheek. The emptiness and frustration were her only thoughts.

Beau’s phone rang, the piercing noise rattling around her skull as Devin beat her fists against the floor. Rip watched her, one dark brow rising as she screamed, a watery curse spiraling from her lips to land on Beau’s broad shoulders.

“I gotta take this.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll get someone to watch her.”

With that, both disappeared behind the closing door. A lock slammed into place, echoing through the room full of Devin’s shrill wails. Bones crumbling, flesh turning to fire, she fell back onto the floor. She clawed at her skin, digging at the excruciating pain. Tearing at her hair, the momentary tug was nothing like what she craved.

Time slipped through her fingers, an intangible thing that flowed around her. Wearing away her sanity one second at a time, ripping away her soul with each minute. Nothing she did would ease any of it. No amount of pinching and rubbing could calm the ache. Each pitiful attempt served to drive her more insane.

“Gods, look at you.”

So lost in her turmoil, she hadn’t noticed the door open or the man who stepped inside. Some part of her registered the closing of that panel of wood, the heavy lock engaging as he turned a key. That piece of her still aware, still screaming in rage. It fell away as Devin held out a trembling hand and the male came to her.

He grinned as he took her fingers, his sharp tug pulling Devin to her back. She didn’t care about the scrape of the floor against her shoulder and hip, ignored the open cuts on her back as they ground into the gritty surface.

“Rip’s getting a deal on you, honey.” The man crouched over her legs, petting at the squirming limbs.

Devin bucked and whined, trying to entice the man. Reaching for him, he batted her hands away. He was being careful of her, not touching her anywhere she was desperate to feel a firm hand that wasn’t hers. Frustration rumbling through her chest, she voiced a vicious growl. Grabbing at the male’s legs, Devin pulled herself up his body. Tugging at narrow thighs, gripping smooth biceps, her fingers threaded through limp brown hair to scratch at his neck. Stretching that last inch to press her lips against the bare line of his throat, she cried out when he shoved her away.

“Gods, you want it, don’t you, honey? You don’t even care.”

The door slammed against the wall. Busted lock clattering to the floor, a hinge went flying in the opposite direction. The man above her stopped his teasing, scuttling back so fast his ass hit the ground. Hands held up, he began whining, smeared syllables tumbling over his lips as Alphas poured in. What had seemed a vast expanse of emptiness to Devin moments before became crowded with hot ash and smoke. Choking on their violence and rage, some part of her snapped.

“How much,” Rey shouted, shoving past Beau’s restraining hands, pushing him out of the way when Beau didn’t give ground fast enough.

“Six grand,” Rip said, remaining close to the doorway. He kept himself inconspicuous despite the dark figures crowding the open space beyond the busted door.

“What the hell,” Beau snarled, rounding on Rip to twist his shirt up in a fist. “You only paid me two.”

“Just thinking of the margins, man.”

“Deal.” Rey swooped down on Devin, plucking her from the floor to cradle against his chest. He slapped her bloody fingers away when they tried to stroke his cheek. Gave her a warning growl when her nose came up to nuzzle his neck. “I’ll send it over within the hour.”

“Good doing business with you, Mr. Rey.” Rip headed back down the narrow hall, ushering his men before him. Staying well out of the way of the furious Alpha.

Rey’s grip tightened, crushing Devin against the breadth of his chest as he made his way through the wide path the others opened for him. Drowned her in burnt coffee and hot ash when his hand covered the back of her head and pulled her face close. People crowded against the wall, watching with excited interest as the drama unfolded. More than one male scented the air as candied sweetness wafted by them, but Rey’s growl thundered through the space. A warning and challenge both that no one dared answer.

“I can’t believe this shit,” Beau hissed at Rey’s side, jogging to keep up with the long, purposeful strides as Rey carried Devin out of the sprawling building.

“Shut the hell up.” Rey didn’t turn his head, keeping his dark gaze locked on the black sedan waiting at odd angles with the curb. He stroked the back of Devin’s head, faint praise for not squirming once he had her in the passenger seat. Giving up on the belt when Devin arched and moaned at every glancing touch, he hurried to get the door shut before she could tumble back out to follow him.

“You’re not really going to pay that much for her, are you?”

Rey didn’t answer as he lowered himself behind the wheel. He bit out a curse as Devin tried to crawl over the console, his growls and demands falling on deaf ears as coffee and strawberries, the sheer power of an Alpha, flooded her senses.

“Sit down!”

“Just put her in the back.” Beau appeared at the driver’s window, pale brows drawing low as he watched Rey struggling with Devin. “Better yet, I’ll get in the—”

Whatever else Beau might have said became lost in the engine's roar. Rey dragged Devin’s upper half over the console, pushing her head in his lap. Throwing the car into gear, the tires shrieked in protest as he slammed on the gas.

Devin lost the thread of everything. Nose smashed against the strength of him, every inhalation redolent of smoky espresso and tartness no matter the rage filled overtones, she knew a measure of peace. It wasn’t what her body craved, but that angry, terrified part of her calmed. Closing her eyes, Devin’s arms wormed their way around his waist. She ignored the grumbling spilling down her back and simply breathed him in.

An impression of pale walls, the music of an elevator, vibrant colors swirled around her. The apartment he’d first brought her to. Knowing where she was, Devin relaxed further. Melting against the Alpha as he carried her towards the massive bed, she hummed her pleasure. It had been good there. Nothing had hurt, at least not too much. He might be kind once more.

“You’re out of your mind.”
