Page 11 of Trapped

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“In case you’ve forgotten, let me remind you that I’ve paid a good deal of money for you. That makes you mine, hear me?”

Devin gave a slow nod, squirming upright. If she gave in, just let this happen, it would be over soon. She wouldn’t have to consider those hopeless faces in the container, their sounds of misery haunting her. It was her own hands that pulled her shirt over her head, thumbing the button of her jeans open. She didn’t realize he’d stopped his lecture of her purpose in life until she lay back, shivering as she kicked the leg of the jeans free of her foot.

The rich brown of his eyes couldn’t hide his wariness at her sudden change. Something dark and feral lingered beyond it, the blazing heat of it a brand against her skin as it traveled over her every curve. His hands took the same paths, tracing the hills and valleys of her body as he climbed on top of her. Spreading her wide to accommodate him before guiding her legs around his hips.

“P-please… please could you c-call,” Devin begged as he settled against her, the thick length of his cock rubbing against her folds. Grinding against delicate flesh, desert dry from fear of what punishment he might dole out under the pretense of sex.

“No,” Rey ground out as he moved her arms out to the side where she couldn’t cover herself.

At least now she knew what he intended. Devin grit her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for him to begin. She’d survived this when Beau did it. She could survive Rey as well.

“Not yet,” he snarled against her chest before his mouth closed over her breast. Mounding the flesh, he moaned against the softness and opened wider. Taking more of it in to suck hard before drawing back with scraping teeth to her nipple.

Devin choked on her gasp, sputtering as her eyes flew open to stare in wonder at the ceiling. A helpless sound tumbled from her lips as his rough hand went to work on the other side, fingers mimicking the pinch of his teeth and the roll of his tongue. His guttural moan vibrated through her, a prickling tingle skating over her entire body as she shivered in response. Through it all, he ground his throbbing length against her. The potent fluid of his arousal gave ample lubrication as he nudged her clit with every slow thrust.

Pulling back, he forced Devin’s spine into a blissful arch to follow the delicious torture of his sucking mouth. Releasing her nipple with a loud smack of his lips, he bent to replay the assault on the other. His fingers toyed with the slick peak as soon as he abandoned it, the stiff bud drawing painfully tight under his unwavering attention.

He switched from one side to the other, devouring her flesh with a ravenous hunger. Callused fingers caressed whatever they could reach, giving her no chance to breathe, to hold on to her reeling thoughts. On the first of her ragged moans, a rush of slick answered the roll of his hips. Bathing him in the slippery liquid, easing his way as he rutted against her. The wet slide against pleasure swollen folds excited her all the more. Devin strained to open her legs wider, inviting him closer with fingers threading through his dark waves.

“Tell me you want it, sweetheart,” Rey said in a quiet growl at her ear. He added delicious friction against her nipples, rubbing his chest hard against hers.

Devin whined low in her throat, thrashing her head against the bed. Clenching her small fists in his hair to drag him down to her lips, she silenced him with a savage kiss the Alpha met with an intensity Devin didn’t expect. His low rumbles and snarls breathed into her, filling her lungs as he attacked her with teeth and tongue. Sucking at her, his playful nips descended fast to near painful bites.

Wrenching away, Rey fisted her curls, holding her to the bed as he gave her a feral smile. On a call as loud as a challenging roar, he entered her. Spreading her wide, stretching her to the very limits in one sure thrust. Seated to the hilt with a victorious howl, he fell upon her and crushed Devin beneath him as he drove that savage rumble deep into her bones.

Devin’s airy scream crumpled beneath the next powerful thrust. Arching beneath the agonizing bliss ricocheting through her body, she dug her nails deep into his back. Clinging to him as he sent the world spinning away on another savage call. Rey’s hands slipped beneath her arms, holding tight to her shoulders as he dragged her into the brutal slap of his hips.

Pleasure ripped through her veins. Shredding any thought except the glorious ache centered within the cradle of her hips. The decadence of the Alpha who wrought such incredible sensation from the simple act of rubbing his bristled cheeks between the swollen mounds of her breasts.

“Say it,” he rasped at her ear, hunched over her far smaller body. The wide breadth of his hands curled around her hips, pulling Devin onto his thick shaft. Grinding deep to hear her keening moans.

Confusion tripped through the liquid heat, trying to douse the flames licking over her body. Devin writhed, hips tipping up to the Alpha. Silencing him with the tight clench of slick muscle as she lapped at the light sheen of salty sweat covering his chest.

“Say it,” Rey said through a bone shattering growl. Wrapping the length of Devin’s hair around his fist, he pulled her mouth away before she could reach the destination of his shoulder. “Say you want it!”

Shaking her head as much as his tight grip allowed, Devin whined low in her throat. She didn’t understand, didn’t want to understand the husky syllables fighting their way through the sultry ecstasy threading through her body. Offering a strangled hum, she worked her legs higher. Forcing him deeper before she rocked her hips. Impaling herself on the long length of him when he would not give her what she wanted.

No matter how she tried, though, it wasn’t the perfection she sought. She couldn’t move fast enough, hard enough. The delicious ache snatched away as Rey held himself aloft. Taking the heat of his body, the decadence of his scent with him.

Devin snarled, baring her teeth to the large male. Voicing her displeasure on a ragged growl, she shoved at his chest and shoulders. Trying to turn them so that she could grab onto the diminishing threads of her pleasure.

Clarity seeped into her thoughts, a shiver working its way down her back. Rey’s predatory gaze caught and held the moment she became aware. His smile was a vicious thing, feral and cruel as he took hold of the trembling length of Devin’s thigh. Wrenching the stiffening limb to his shoulder, he muffled her nervous shriek with hardened lips. Tongue invading as he did the same to the other leg, folding her body beneath him.

Unable to even wriggle beneath the weight of him, Devin squeezed her eyes shut. Avoiding the dark gleam in his gaze as he wrapped her in his body. Imprisoning her in the solid cage of his arms. She tried in vain not to hear the demanding growl vibrating through his words, the command to open her eyes resisted for a smattering of gasping breaths before she pried her lashes apart. Confronted with the endless abyss of emotions she couldn’t begin to understand, Devin shivered.

“You are mine.” Touch strange in its gentleness, he cupped her cheek to keep her rapidly clearing gaze centered upon him. Not letting Devin turn away from the intensity of his dark eyes or the intent of his words. “Say it.”

Devin didn’t dare to answer. Not when the denial coated her tongue in sticky sourness, choking her with equal measures of fear and anger. She didn’t want this. He withheld the haze of instinct, forcing her to keep his gaze as he moved with a level of control that stole her breath. The slow rocking of his hips, dragging his cock from her clutching depths only to return on an agonizing glide, driving her insane as she teetered between want and dissent.

“Say it,” he murmured, grinding against her cervix. Adding a touch of pain that she didn’t know she could withstand outside of the heady fog of instinct.

That she never could admit she enjoyed, though he wrenched the stuttering gasp from her. Driving a weakened moan from her as he pulled back.

Each slow glide of his shaft breathed new life into the banked flames of her desire. Coursing through her body as he growled and snarled at her ear, demanding her response. The very moment she lost herself in the pleasure thundering through her brought him to stillness.

“Say it.”

Devin whined and thrashed. She fought the hold that refused to bruise, to hurt, to make her hate him for more than the denial of spiraling out of control. Rey’s smile was a baring of teeth, a savage expression that spoke of his intent before he uttered any words.
