Page 12 of Trapped

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“Say it and it stops.”

Devin answered with a desperate shriek, her sad attempt at rebellion silenced before she could even begin. With ease, he held her still, pinned to the mattress.

Hours passed. Rey playing her body against her, using a knowledge she didn’t know he had. He knew just where to touch her to ratchet her desire to heights that terrified her, when to slow. When to stop before she drowned in the overwhelming sensations. Taunting her with the power he held over her as Devin screamed her denial and begged with wordless desperation. He broke her down, inch by glorious inch. Wearing away her resolve with every caress.

Dripping with sweat, the bed and their bodies soaked with the copious amount of slick and his arousal, Devin could only whimper as his mouth closed over the raw peak of her breast. The rasp of his tongue too much as she trembled at the very edge. Threatening to tumble over into an endless abyss of pleasure before he took the rough suction of his lips away.

“Please,” Devin whined, trembling fingers raking through the damp strands of his hair, cradling the back of his head as she arched to offer him the reddened peak. She sought to cajole, giving a broken purr.

“Say it,” Rey husked in a midnight growl against the side swell of her other breast. He shifted his weight, working his cock deeper into her slick heat.

It was too much.

“Yes,” Devin said on a ragged scream, the desperate sound spinning into a desolate wail as he pulled away. Recognition following a breathless second after, she caught his jaw between her hands. Bringing him closer with the delicate touch as she breathed the words against his kiss swollen lips. “I’m yours.”

Anything to make the endless torture stop. Whether he believed her or not, Rey wrapped his arms low on her waist. Dragged her into the punishing slap of his hips and roared.

The world tripped and tumbled. Spinning out of control until she kneeled above the panting Alpha. Unprepared, Devin’s hoarse cry echoed through the room as he slammed his thick shaft into her from below. Her head fell back, nails raking down the length of his forearms as he lifted her, only to bring her crashing down against his next brutal thrust. Fucking her from below with unrestrained power, as if she’d given them both permission with her whispered disgrace.

She didn’t care. Not as pleasure exploded along her synapses, a ragged ecstasy searing through her veins. There was no building up to it, no grueling climb. He’d kept her at a cruel edge for far too long for that. A wildfire set loose, it rocketed through her limbs as muscles trembled and tightened.

Devin’s lips parted on a silent scream as he moved her body. The world shattered in a glittering wash of brilliant white. Depending on the strength of him to keep her up long past the point her spine bowed, and she lost herself within the throes of her pleasure. The rippling contractions of her pussy worked his glistening shaft. Clinging to the slick skin as he pummeled her with a violent need of his own.

Eyes going wide, pupils swallowing the last of violet-blue, she fell forward to his chest. A battered shriek tumbling over her cracked lips, she dug her nails in deep. Raking them down his sides as Rey wrung more from her body. He didn’t tease the tangled thread of pleasure. Wrenching them with teeth and hands, he handled her with a violence and power she couldn’t resist. Devin’s teeth melted into the thick muscle of his chest to muffle her trembling wail as he dragged her up the rocky cliff before she could fall into the molten fire.

A roar that shook the panes of the windows had her eyes rolling back in her head. The sound alone enough to widen her legs, Devin ignored the painful creak of joints as Rey flipped them again. Arm behind her shoulders, he held her still for the grueling pace he set. Teeth close to her ear, he snarled filthy demands that she come on his knot, take his come and scream his name.

As the rippling contractions began again, twisting through her stomach in a painful rush, Devin screamed. Leaving wet trails of blood on his back, she bucked and writhed beneath him as he ground the swelling base of his cock inside the tight clench of her pussy. Somehow desperate for more, Devin pleaded with sobbing breaths, clawing at his back to pull him closer.

Rey lunged forward to set his teeth to the band of muscle where neck met shoulder. Biting hard enough she felt a sting, he didn’t give her the promised agony. Ducking his head further, he sunk his teeth deep into the top swell of her breast, moaning around the trickle of blood washing over his tongue.

Devin buried a ragged moan in his thick waves as the knot expanded. Locked deep inside of her, it threatened to split her open, yet she welcomed the painful fullness. Crushed beneath Rey as he smeared growling moans and her blood against her chest, Devin’s broken hum played through the inky strands of his hair as she cradled him closer.

Long before Devin caught her breath, Rey began again. A small shift, tugging and pushing the knot within the tight grip. Manipulating nerves Devin couldn’t name as he began the earth-shattering climb once more. With a hand shoved between them, he found the taut bundle of nerves and spread her slick over it before grinding it beneath his thumb.

“Say it again.”

* * *

Devin’s quiet hum scattered over the warm sheets beneath her cheek, the scent of espresso and sweetened strawberries rising to greet her. A smile spread across her chafed lips as she turned to press her mouth to her arm where the scent was strongest. Tongue darting out to taste the still warm fluid, her contented sounds grew, blooming into a throaty purr as she reached towards the source of heat much too far away for her liking.

“Rest, sweetheart,” Rey whispered in a voice gone husky, raw. He leaned over her, blanketing her in his heat and scent to brush a kiss against Devin’s brow. “I’ll be back as soon as my business is done.”

A line appeared between the dark sweep of Devin’s eyebrows as he took the overwhelming presence away. Eyes daring to open a crack, she saw the intense heat of late afternoon turning the bedroom cozy. Thick bands of light highlighted every hill and valley of her naked body as she lay sprawled over the bed. Taking up far more space than she had any right to, she voiced a questioning whine as the door clicked shut.

Sore in places she didn’t expect, Devin took her time dragging her body upright to lean against the plush headboard. Bleary gaze taking in the stained and well scented linens surrounding her, she ignored the corner of bare mattress where the sheets had ripped free.

As the lingering lassitude left her, she took stock of her body with cold sterility. There were bites, but she’d be surprised if they marked her for more than a handful of days. The faint gray hue of a bruise here and there, likely to fade soon enough. He’d been careful in his torture. She’d give him that.

Ripping away every last shred of resistance with his hungry mouth, crushing her sense of self with callused hands, he’d cracked her open. Made her need it until she gave him what he wanted. How she’d begged in the end. Even now, she could hear the ragged pleas she’d made drifting in the dusty motes of light, the way she’d called out his name as if it tasted incredible on her tongue.

Sniffing hard to hold back a wave of tears she refused to shed, Devin crawled from the bed and went to the shower. Stiff as she scrubbed away their mingled scents from her body, she clenched her teeth hard against a scream as she felt warmth trickle down her thigh. She’d begged for that, too. Denying the need to cup the flat planes of her stomach, she scoured her skin to a blushing glow with shaking hands under the scalding water.

Emerging somewhat calmer, glad at least he continued to give her the products to mute her sweetness, Devin stumbled through the rest of her routine. Mind blank as she dammed up the all too vivid memories of it all, walling it off somewhere dark and cold.

There was no hanger full of clothes waiting this time. Letting out a heavy sigh, she dug through the drawers until she came across his sweaters. Covered to the knees, she padded into the living room. She stopped as soon as she saw the furious set of Rey’s features. The hard line of his jaw clenched so tight a muscle ticked in his cheek. Burnt coffee and smoky violence invaded her sinuses, freezing her lungs as she watched in wide-eyed stillness. The prey trying not to draw the predator’s attention.

“Don’t you fuck me on this, Beau. Just be down at the docks in time for the shipment. Kahler’s antsy about things running smoothly while he’s busy.” A pause brought a rush of dusky rose to Rey’s cheeks, nostrils flaring before he responded. “What I do, and who I do it with, is none of your business.”

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