Page 28 of Trapped

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Each shift of his body made her tense. Terror at what would come if he let her go for even an instant, bringing her hands to his arms, clawing at his shoulders. Clutching him to her as if that frail grip alone could keep him there.

“Breathe through it, sweetheart.”

The distant rumble of his voice filtered through the chaos, a golden strand that she wound in her hands. Using it to drag herself back to him and all the vicious protection he offered. He would keep her safe. Keep all this hell from swallowing her up, if she just held on a little tighter.

“It’s harder on Omegas,” he whispered with a rough swipe of his palm down her back, the hard touch divine as it left no confusion in its wake. “You take too much of it, open yourself up too much.”

Whatever else he might have said became lost under her rattling growl. Tension clawed its way up her back. The patronizing shit, acting like her dynamic was so weak. Rage, pure and crimson, burst through her fingers. Coating her thoughts in violence and visions of blood as she bared her teeth at the hazy ether. Vision gone gray, clouded with too much information, she closed her eyes again and tried not to focus on the otherness continuing to invade her.

“Gods, you are beautiful,” Rey groaned against her neck, lowering her to the cold floor. Quick to warm her with his body, he nudged her thighs to open them. He dared to laugh when she didn’t spread for him, her muscles trembling to keep them tight together.

Not to be denied, he put more pressure on his knee. Prying her legs apart to his advances with ease despite his care not to hurt her. He smiled wide, showing her the white of his teeth as he pulled back.

“I don’t want to fuck,” Devin snarled, action preceding thought by a mile as the flat of her hand connected with the hard plane of his cheek.

She blinked once. Twice. Disbelief scrawled over his angular features, even the aquiline slope of his nose seeming perturbed. Rey did nothing for a long span of her careening heartbeats. As if she could make it better, she brushed the backs of her fingers against the pinkened skin, soothing away any imaginary sting. She marveled at the glorious roughness of his stubble, distracted by the almost leathery texture of the skin beneath it. Good leather, the expensive stuff, but not soft like hers.

“Gods,” she groaned and pulled herself up to him, mouth closing over the tensed line of his neck. Savoring the difference there, her tongue played over his flesh as if she could map out every inch of him by taste alone.

“You are…” Rey trailed off with a grunt. Curling his palms beneath her thighs, he pulled her up and guided her legs around his hips while instincts brought her arms to his neck. Secured against the gorgeous strength of him, he carried her back to the bed.

His dissatisfaction speared through her, stabbing into her belly. Her whine crawled over his skin, her arms strangling him as she tried to make it go away. Rey didn’t even try to dislodge her. Supporting her with an arm under her ass, he searched for his abandoned slacks, fishing through the pockets for his phone. The low murmur of his voice resonated against her ear, but she was too far gone in the change in his scent. Spicier somehow, smoky undercurrents layered the rich decadence of him.

Rey sprawled on the bed with unrestrained pride, letting her prowl over him. Arrogant with the knowledge that she was obsessed with him alone. And she was. As if she needed to learn the feel of him by taste and touch, she moved over his body with reverence. Tracing the firm hills and valleys of his torso, Devin didn’t even notice someone else entering the room. Not until the bond surged with something bright and pure, a fondness that didn’t meld with the intensity of Rey’s unbridled desire for her.

Blown gaze cutting to the side, she lifted her lip at Beau, showing him her teeth though Rey gripped the back of her neck. He eased the tension there with an almost painful massage that had a purr tripping over her lips.

“What in the name of the Gods did you let her do, Daniel?”

“What she needed. Did you bring everything?”

“I’m not a fucking idiot.”

Rey sighed and tried to push Devin’s face into his hip. She bit him for his trouble, digging the sharp edge of her teeth into the tender skin until he hissed and let her go. Scrambling up to all fours, she shuffled backwards and well out of his easy reach before she rose to her knees to squint at the pile of plastic bags at Beau’s feet.

He kicked one of them with a low snarl, sending the crinkling packages of sheets and a deep blue coverlet scattering across the floor.

She would never be able to explain why she did it. Didn’t understand her own actions in that moment at all. Devin squealed and jumped off the bed, barreling into Beau’s chest to smash her lips against the bottom of his jaw where she could reach on tiptoe. She dropped into a crouch, gathering the sticky plastic to her chest and bounding back onto the bed. Ripping through the thin film, she tugged the stale flatness free. Snapping sheets open, unrolling blankets, she growled and muttered at Rey to move him as the nest came alive under her fingers.

Devin understood the stunned silence on some level. She felt the tangling of that bright thread through the bond, Rey’s uncertainty as he watched her with hooded eyes. For his part, Beau stood stoic, the first hint of his fear turning the spice of his scent sour, a rank smell that bothered her more than the scorched taste of his violence.

“You can’t let anyone know, Rey,” Beau murmured.

Devin flopped down into her nest with a groan, sprawled naked in the fluffy construct with her head turned so she could watch both men. Beau avoided looking at her, keeping his eyes fixed somewhere far beyond the wall opposite. For some reason, she wasn’t afraid, and she didn’t understand why.

“I’m not some—”

“We’re already having problems because of Kahler’s bullshit, or did you forget the club being fucking attacked,” Beau shouted before he took a small step back, inhaling a ragged breath to calm himself, though it seemed to only make him more rigid. “They’ll see it as a weakness, and we’ll be dealing with even more of this shit.”

“It matters to her.” Rey smoothed his hand over Devin’s hair, matching her smile as he began scrubbing at her scalp the way she liked.

“So, what? You going to start wearing sleeveless outfits to show it off like those upscale bitches do?” Beau snorted at Rey’s frown, giving a shake of his head. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”

Beau turned on his heel and started for the door, but turned back and paced towards the corner of the bed. He folded his arms and fixed his eyes on the spot on the wall again. “I took care of the shipment he needed. Everything is on the way and there shouldn’t be any problems. If there are, the boys will take care of it.”

“Fuck,” Devin ground out, slapping Rey’s chest as something too heavy and muddled slammed into her. It pummeled her thoughts into submission until she was a sobbing wreck.

“The fuck is wrong with her?”

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