Page 27 of Trapped

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Breaths ragged as he hit the ignition for the car, Rey eased back out onto the street. Both groaned as the car dipped and swayed as he came off the curb. One hand clutching her back, holding Devin to him as she gripped him with her teeth, he drove.

It seemed too long before Rey pulled into a dark drive surrounded by tall hedges and an abundance of flowers. Tearing her mouth free from his shoulder, she swallowed the thick taste of copper and earthy darkness before smearing it over her lips and chin with the back of her wrist.

“Where are we?”

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Rey said, quiet and calm as he climbed from the car with Devin still locked tight to him. The knot had yet to abate all through the lengthy trek, each feeding their need to the other. Joined in body and so much more, it refused to lessen.

Each slow stride bounced her against him so that she was breathless by the time Rey gained the door. A set of keys opened the locks, letting them inside the echoing foyer. Supporting her with one arm, helping her to grind his knot deeper with the helpless twitch of her hips, Rey went down a long hall to a bedroom bathed in shadows.

“Rey?” Devin whined low in her throat, her lips searching out the heady taste of him. Lapping at the thick rivulets of blood until her mouth covered the bite once more. It offered comfort and control as the world around her tried to work its way in, to drive away the intoxicating warmth.

“I was going to show it to you after I had it decorated, but…” Rey inhaled sharply, bringing his other hand to her hip. Bouncing her hard on his cock, he tugged the knot with a violence that had Devin crying out in pleasured agony. “I can’t do this in the apartment. Fuck, you don’t even know how dangerous you are, girl.”

With a throaty moan, Rey fell on to the bed, and it was only his crushing hold that kept the knot from tearing free. Rolling her under his weight, he ripped at the shirt that had fallen open long ago, baring every inch of her to his hungry gaze and ravenous hands. He wasn’t satisfied until they were both naked, bodies slick with sweat and his blood. His hands drawing her mouth to the ravaged patch of skin again and again, urging Devin to bite deeper.

It was as if she was in heat again. Neither could get enough, their shifting bodies coming together, his dark rumbles soaring through the empty rooms with her shrill cries and primal screams. It was so much more than anything that had come before it. Devin felt him all around her, cradling her heart in his strong, capable hands as his body moved over her with the fierce determination of an Alpha in his prime. Felt the trembling beat of his heart within her palms, deep inside of her where it made no sense. Something to handle with delicate care, the throbbing muscle not half as hardened as he would pretend it to be.

Dawn’s delicate light caressed the strange place he’d brought her to before they fell into the bare mattress, exhausted and sated. Devin’s head ached with a cruel, malignant thing jack hammering at the back of her eyes, but the swell of heat inside her chest assured safety as Rey arranged her limp body alongside his. The strange smells and the lack of a nest meant little as his arms caged her in against his strength. A wealth of promises blooming under her heart, suffusing her with the heat of a summer breeze as she let her lids drift shut on a contented hum.

* * *

Devin groaned as she shifted her sore body. The tacky pull at her cheek forced her to peel her face away from the soft weave of the bed. Bleary gaze tripping around her limited field of view, she saw brilliant streaks of crimson mixing with cloudy smears of come. His. Hers. Theirs.

Nothing registered as wrong for several long moments as she dragged her arm up, fingers gliding over the thick muscles encased in dark ochre skin to play with his hair. Noting every welt, every scratch she’d marked him with. The deep bites that matched the diminutive circle of her teeth. She liked the way he wore her pleasure. Devin also decided he needed a haircut, this too long length reminding her of the sultry heroes on the covers of the romance novels she used to indulge in. A smirk tugged at her lips, dying before it could turn into a true smile.

Cold rushed through her, twisting her stomach into knots before it curled tight around her chest. Draining every last vestige of warmth from her as she viewed his profile, serene and calm in the depths of sleep. Devin knew it was nothing more than the deep slumber of exhaustion, tangled memories of the intense sex they’d shared tumbling through her thoughts. His broad chest rose and fell with the evenness of his breaths.

What was wrong was the savage bite on his shoulder.

Her stomach dropped into a churning sea of ice. Pulling her double over the horrifying sensation as her blood ran cold, freezing her from the inside out. The ever-present warmth of Rey residing in her chest doused under a glacial wave.

That couldn’t be.

It was there, red and angry looking. Shaped to her mouth, just as the other bites littering his rich skin.

She felt him coming awake before his eyes snapped open. Heard the hammering of his heart, felt it slamming against the back of her ribs, a far too delicate thing to contain such power. Devin couldn’t even scream as he grabbed her, dragging her across the bed to huddle within his shadow as he crouched over her.

Eyes glittering with the depths of his rage, he scanned the room. Searching for what outside force dared to threaten his mate. When he realized no one else was within the echoing emptiness of the house, his brows knit as he turned to her. Rey didn’t understand why she flinched, the desperate note of her whine as he hauled her body against his. Devin felt his annoyance, the first hints of his anger, when she twisted away from the firm prodding of his cock against her hip.

Plunged into the unnerving cold, her every sense became mangled. A chaos of after images and ghostly touches. Smelling her sweetness with so much more nuance than she’d ever perceived it. Devin felt his touch twice, the firm pressure a chilling tingle long after his fingers curled over her wrist.

Shaking her head, Devin tried to pull away. Lurching back across the bed to put space between their bodies. The unnatural thrill of a need to chase zipped up her spine, wrenching a scream from deep within. An explosion of sparkling panic infused with the rich darkness of concern.

“Stop! Get away from me,” Devin shrieked as she tumbled off the side of the bed. She didn’t feel the bone-jarring thud as her head bounced against the floorboards, consumed with the constricting twist of a shirt wound around Rey’s ankle. She felt it as if it was on her own leg. Kicking and clawing at unburdened flesh did nothing to bring the misfiring of synapses to a stop.

“You’re all right, sweetheart,” Rey managed to get out in a rasping growl.

He prowled to edge of the bed, wavering as he watched Devin scramble across the smooth wood. Torn between giving her the space she cried out for and the instinctual need to drive that same fear from her.

“How do I know that?” Devin screamed, fisting her hair at the sides of her head. She yanked at the silken clumps, trying to tear the knowledge from her thoughts.

Decision made, he pounced. There was nothing stealthy about the way he vaulted from the bed, stalking strides bringing him to her before Devin could get her knees under her. Rey landed hard on her, knocking the breath from her lungs. Encasing her in the implacable strength of his limbs, his purr was loud, the perfect resonance, but it was too much. It slammed around her skull, bruising her quivering heart as he poured his molten heat deep inside her. Rey refused to give her even the idea of space. The full length of his body moved against hers. Grinding his scent into her. Grounding Devin as everything shattered and remade itself, only to break apart all over again.

It was the taste of his blood on her tongue, the virulent agony at her shoulder that brought her back from the edge of some black abyss.

A never-ending circuit seared its way through her, into him, and back. Both of them feeding it, making it grow in liquid surges until it spiraled high into the cold blackness of her turmoil. Lighting up her world with white-hot brilliance. Rey held her through it all. Purring for her, murmuring quiet words of encouragement as Devin shrieked and bucked beneath the onslaught. Praising her as she gulped down ragged breaths and fell into him.

Draped over his arm, Devin was boneless as her eyes strained to focus. The ghostly after images lessened, a hint of blurring color at the edges of everything that taunted her, but tolerable. While she felt his touch in ways she couldn’t understand, it didn’t crawl through her insides.
