Page 31 of Trapped

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“Get him out of here.” Rey spoke to no one in particular, but several of the men at his back grabbed Sam’s arms, one even going so far as to catch his legs when Sam thought to struggle.

Without hesitation, Rey came to her. Replacing Beau’s arm with his, he squeezed Devin tight against his side. Crushing the air from her lest she speak up out of turn.

“I want to thank you all again for humoring me in changing our meeting place.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Rey,” the old man said, chuckling as he waved a broad hand at the remaining men. “We’ve all our burden to bear when it comes to women. The Caivano family will do what it can to put an end to these upstarts on the West side. Your concern should be tending your mate, not reckless idiots.”

“Thank you, Anthony. Your generosity is most appreciated. I can assure you that Mr. Kahler will repay your assistance as soon as he resolves other matters.”

“Of course, of course. Give him our best.” Anthony beckoned the others as he turned to the hall leading to the front of the house.

Beau slid two fingers over Devin’s back as he eased away from her and Rey to act the part of host and see everyone out. Proving he hadn’t left at all but gone to her other side to stand guard at her flank. It was a glancing caress, not even Rey seeming to notice it. The touch was strange, throwing her off balance more than the entire scene with Sam had.

“What the fuck were you doing,” Rey snarled, slamming Devin’s back against the wall when the front door closed behind the long line of strangers. He grabbed her shoulders as she fell forward, lifting her until their eyes were level.

“I was waiting for you!”

“Why were you in here?”

“You said it wouldn’t take long,” Devin screamed, and she didn’t bother to check the frustrated tears ruining her makeup. The smoky grays of shadow tracked through the dusty rose of her blush to make a horrible mess. “It’s not my fault you’re letting common criminals traipse through here.”

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done? None of them should have seen your face,” Rey bellowed, shoving her back against the wall. His body wasn’t far behind, hips grinding against hers as he held Devin aloft. One hand splayed over her chest, Rey’s other hand ripped at her skirt, hiking it up her spread thighs until it bunched over her hips. “How dare you let them look at you!”

Unable to comprehend his anger, the violence of his touch, Devin yelled a wordless sound of protest and flung her arms out. A defensive move to protect herself from the heavy threat Rey rutted against her. It wasn’t her fault. He couldn’t punish her for something like this. The bond writhed in her chest, pulling at her heart and lungs until Devin strained for every breath. Realizing what Rey was trying to do, his will seeping into her bones to make her limbs go soft, she screamed. The blood curdling sound echoed through her skull, escaping her lips as a pathetic whine.

Something within her snapped. Shattering into a thousand pieces, it sliced everything in its path. All of it blotted out on a rising sea of crimson and pain. It reared up, lashing out at whatever came near. Clawing and rending, gnashing hideous teeth to be rid of the oozing slime withering in her breast.

Devin’s head banging against the wall cleared her vision to strobing technicolor spots that danced in a swirling array as her gaze bounced around the room. Sprawled on his back, Rey’s chest heaved as he stared sightless at the ceiling. Shirt shredded, long gouges seeped brilliant red into the cloth. Cheek scored with five distinct trails, they wept blood in sluggish pulses. Beau curled over him, slamming his fist into the ground by Rey’s head. Beau’s lips moved, but Devin couldn’t discern any sounds beyond the evil banshee shriek within her own mind.

Somehow, her feet were under her. Halting steps carried her forward, using the walls for support as she careened towards the front door. Rey’s fob sat in the delicate ceramic bowl painted in earthy tones she’d chosen just last week.

How she got into the car was beyond her, but she pushed the button for the ignition and dragged in an intoxicating breath as the engine purred to life. Without bothering to adjust a single thing, she slammed her foot on the gas pedal. By some miracle, she’d remembered to put it into reverse first.

Devin didn’t have a destination. She didn’t even know where she was, really. All she knew was the scream grew quieter the further away she got from the house.

It was enough for now.

Driving all through Alderbrook until night swallowed the city once more, the sleek black car ran out of gas at the top of a hill. Rolling down the wide, manicured street on fumes alone, she managed to get it right in front of Ashley’s condo.

She didn’t have a phone, hadn’t thought to stop and call from somewhere. Devin prayed she’d be welcomed, and if not… Well, she’d think about that later. Climbing from the low seat, Devin blinked and looked down at the source of the icy shock racing up from the sole of her foot. One shoe lost, left abandoned somewhere in the house where Rey had been…

Devin shook her head, gripping the open door as a shudder racked her body, trying to twist her spine. Grabbing onto whatever handholds she could reach, she managed to get to Ashley’s door without falling. Like a drunk far past her limits, the world swerved and spun out from beneath her feet until she collapsed against the sturdy rectangle of bright blue wood.

Before she could decide whether to ring the bell or knock, Ashley yanked open the door with a growl deep in her chest. Surprise replaced her anger as Devin crumpled at her feet.

“Who the fuck…? Hey, you okay?”

Devin’s lips twitched. Shoulders jerking in a shrug, Devin told her she wasn’t okay. That everything was shit. Said she was so sorry. All of it a smear of syllables that had Ashley’s pale brows crashing down, a rough tug at Devin’s hair baring her face.


“Who the hell is that?”

“It’s time for you to go home,” Ashley said, grunting as she pulled Devin up from the ground.

“What the hell? I thought you said you didn’t even do Omegas,” the shrill voice whined as Ashley pushed its owner towards the open portal with an awkward elbow.

