Page 4 of Trapped

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“C’mon,” Beau husked, a teasing lilt in the low rumble of his tone as he pressed closer. “You can do it, Danny boy.”

She couldn’t see any of it, but what she heard was more than enough. What she could feel was even worse. The wet slide of a tongue against skin, the quiet moans, a soft rumbling growl of pleasure resonating through her bones. Beau shifted them all, his touches and grinding hip knocking Devin aside again and again until Rey’s hands loosened. Squeezed between the back of the couch and the hulk of Beau’s body, something Devin had never felt before scattered through what little sanity she hung on to. It wasn’t relief as the liquid sounds of lips and tongues battling rose and fell behind her. Not the fear that was her constant companion all this time.

Something slimy and thick coiled low in her belly to gnash its teeth, howling into the darkness of her heart. Murky tendrils of it tickled along her shoulders as one of them voiced a hoarse moan. Teeth bared, snarl silent, Devin was more confused than ever. She needed away, to be out of the crush of their bodies.

Thoughts sluggish, movements even slower, Devin grasped the back of the couch and tried to peel herself free. She managed to sit up, twisted in their bulky forms, before the next wave of cold seized her. Threatening to break, shattering under their combined weight as they came on top of her. Pulling in every direction.

The needle slammed deep into her thigh. It gave Devin her voice, throat opening on a bitter cry. Rage and fear were paltry words for the sounds given to the sky and Gods beyond. The viscous sludge still lurking deep inside her chest refused to be set free. It clung all the tighter, digging its hooks in deep as Beau voiced a quiet call.

Not to her.

To Rey.

Devin tumbled to the other end of the couch, Beau taking her place. He evaded Rey’s lopsided blows, ignored the low snarls as he straddled Rey. Using his larger size to keep Rey below him, his fingers carded through the dark strands of Rey’s hair. Tugging his head back so Beau’s searching mouth could find the hammering pulse at his jaw.

Violence and sex were two sides of the same coin.

Splayed over the arm of the couch, Devin would have crowed in victory as her knees pulled to her chest at her command. Slow and fitful, her body became her own as the Alphas continued to ignore her. She tried to disregard the darkness pounding out a frenzied rhythm beneath the hard pounding of her heart, but found her gaze drawn back to them again and again.

Two Alphas were an unnatural thing, yet despite Rey’s weakening resistance, they moved as if this was the latest in a long line of such moments. Beau knew the shape of Rey, and so Rey knew the lines of Beau. Where to touch, to scratch, where each needed the bite of pain to ratchet their pleasure that much higher.

Devin felt even dirtier than she had at the beginning of this hell as clarity seeped into her thoughts. With it came the painful rush of true relief.

Now was the perfect moment.

Beau, so determined to keep Rey’s attention, seemed to employ every trick he knew against the male. Rolling his hips, grinding against the thick fullness Rey held aloft to give him access. He drew blood against Rey’s lips when he thought to look away at the soft creak of the sofa arm beneath Devin’s weight as she slid over it. Crawling across the floor, hope dared to flutter beneath the insidious darkness as she neared the door. Shuddering as she recognized their sounds for what they were, knowing them both too well, Devin folded her fingers over the knob.

A single glance back was the biggest mistake she made yet.

Rey’s wide eyes found hers. Pupils narrowing down to pinpoints from the softness of pleasure in a snap almost audible beneath Beau’s continued moaning. Beau ignored the first shove, the second push answered with a snarl of denial. Beau would not be turned away so easily. His larger frame worked to his advantage, Rey seeming unwilling to hurt the excited male above him.

Until Devin threw open the door, refusing to be stalled by their abhorrent, yet somehow fascinating, play for even a moment longer in her escape. Rey’s roar followed her racing feet, tangling them up as she slammed into the doors of the elevator. Slapping at the button, she couldn’t look back as heavy thumps and cracks exploded out of the open doorway.

The Gods smiled on her as the elevator panels slid open, revealing an empty cage of brass.

Not until they slid shut, the gaping threshold still empty of either male, did Devin realize her personal hell was not yet over. Not a stitch of clothing covered her. The scant protection of the citrus and herbal soap Rey had doused her in faded with every droplet of cold sweat that trickled down her neck. Staring at the wild-eyed female in the warped mirror of the shiny wall, Devin smacked the button for the lobby.

She couldn’t go back.

Chapter Two

Whether by miracle or design, Devin made it to the lobby without stopping on any of the other floors. Without knowledge of the time or even the day, she didn’t know if her blind luck was getting started or running out fast. Scratching at the itch of oozing blood and crusted scabs, she watched the doors open.

Her luck ran out as soon as she set her bare sole on the biting ridges of the steely plate before the doors.

Rey appeared, rushing towards her. Her descent took too long, the lumbering mechanics so much slower than an Alpha’s sure feet on some hidden stair. Darkness and ash, shadows and smoke enveloped her in massive arms, lifting her off her feet to slam her back into the far wall of the elevator. He didn’t release her to punch the numbers into the keypad, keeping his weight crushing the air from her lungs.

Amid his snarls and growls, words tried to make themselves heard. Threats, promises… apologies. The grinding of his purr too loud at her ear. It grated her nerves as he struggled for it. Too much crowded between them as an empty chasm gaped into an endless abyss.

There’d be no escape. Not now, not ever. Devin closed her eyes, wishing that she could plunge into unconsciousness by her will alone. It was easier there in that dusky haze where nothing mattered.

“Look at me, damn it!”

Saved by the pealing chime of the doors opening, Devin kept her eyes shut tight despite the growling demand. Able to ignore him as he bustled her into the apartment with his concentration torn between his attempts to wrap her in the heavy weight of the abandoned blanket that smelled of earthy darkness and the scorched cinnamon of the Alpha pacing his displeasure up and down the kitchen island.

“You’re being an idiot, Daniel,” Beau said, slamming the side of his fist into the cold marble as he neared it.

The slurred, wet quality of his voice had Devin’s eyes opening to view the male with total disregard for the mood of the room. The fight by the docks had wounded him, purpling bruises littering his tawny skin. They made his eyes shine all the brighter for the darkness of blackened eyes. Whatever occurred when she fled, blood coated his lips in wet lines. Even the deep teal of the rug couldn’t hide the ruby shade when he spat a glob of the stuff out.

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