Page 5 of Trapped

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“I said, enough.” Though Rey’s voice was calm, the bitterness of his scent layered with smoky darkness spoke of his emotions. Giving a muted roar, he threw the tainted blanket away and turned to the bedroom. He showed no hesitation as he curled his fingers around Devin’s arm to tow her behind him, dragging her those last steps when she faltered.

They’d ended the false heat with whatever Beau gave her. Not the same vicious chemicals he injected her with before, the one that had her riding a high of adrenaline that made her heart want to beat its way out of the delicate cage of her ribs. This was different. Perfect clarity, a moment of calm. So much like her normal self that Devin could scarce believe it.

It meant that if either male looked at that ridiculous bed for even a second, she wouldn’t go quietly. There would be no soft sighs, no desperate moans. Shrieks and screams, blood and pain. That she could promise. She might have given up the ghost of hope, but she would take them down with her if she got the chance. This was no longer a means of survival.

Rey pushed her onto the bed, no inkling of her thoughts as he turned to the tall cabinet opposite. He rummaged through piles, muttering under his breath as if he searched for something specific, the perfect item for this new version of hell. Devin sneered as Beau filled the doorway, blocking all hints of the light beyond.

She’d scratch his eyes out first. Cup the perfect blue of it in her palm and glory in the squishy pop as she crushed it.

“Yes, yes,” Rey murmured, coming at Devin on swift feet to kneel before her.

The scorching heat of his fingers curled around her hips, easing Devin up to her feet. No yanking, no pulling. He slid her off the mattress, holding on long enough for her to find her balance. So close to him, her every breath brushed the tightening peaks of her breasts against the soft cotton of his shirt.

Devin couldn’t begin to understand her body’s reaction. Hands clenched into fists as she readied to swing, regardless of the consequences, yet she responded to his simple nearness. Her gasp shot through the darkness as he dragged a silken coverlet over her shoulders. Firm hands tucked it around her body, a heavy shield against the chill air and their sight both. It pooled around her feet, a good foot’s worth fanning out around her curling toes as she scowled at the male.

Moments ago, she’d been ready to attack. Now…

Devin didn’t struggle against his touch as his palm covered her lower back to guide her out of the room. Her heels dug in, refusing to budge an inch as she stared in bold disgust at Beau leaning through the door with both arms on the frame on either side of his head. A lazy posture, but no less dangerous.

“I told you to leave, Beau.” Rey moved to block her view of the other Alpha, callused hand running down the length of her arm. He tangled their fingers rather than the bruising grip she’d become accustomed to.

Devin hated herself for the sparkling sensation that followed his touch, tingling across her skin. She might have swayed towards him had Beau not ground the bubbly feeling under the gritty sole of his boot with his next words.

“You really going to kick me out over a piece of ass?”


“Why should I? You’re acting like a Gods damned Beta, getting his rocks off on the first Omega willing to spread for him. Hell, you even paid for it.” Beau scoffed, rocking in the doorway, refusing to give any ground. “I’ve been all up in that, and I promise you, no part of her is worth that much. Not even the first time I took it.”

“You willnevertouch her again, understand me,” Rey yelled, leaving Devin to stand alone in the shadows as he rushed towards Beau. Fisting the heavy cotton stained with blood, he lifted Beau onto the balls of his toes. “Don’t even talk about it, Elijah, or I swear to the Gods, I will hurt you.”

“You’re letting her get to you again,” Beau shouted back, leaning into Rey’s hold to put their faces close. “She’s nothing to you, Rey, and she’s only going to be more trouble than she’s worth later on. Don’t do this.”

Beau took Rey’s jaw in his hands, tugging in the scant inch he needed to crush their lips together. Voicing a dangerous growl when Rey twisted his head aside, Beau forced him back, making him accept the next violent kiss.

Rey shoved him away, backing into the room with his arm held out behind him until his fingers skimmed over the silky material covering Devin’s hip. Holding onto her, he angled his body to keep her hidden. “That was then, this is now. Now leave.”

Devin’s attention swung between one and the other, watching the Alphas as the silence stretched on. Beau wouldn’t give way, and Rey refused to force it. Their stalemate would continue on into eternity and she couldn’t withstand his touch any longer. Not as warmth oozed across her hip beneath the thick layers of the blanket where he curled his fingers around it. She didn’t want to feel that from him. Didn’t want to feel anything anymore. Devin realized how exhausted she was. Every little hurt, the many cuts and bruises she’d endured this night alone, made themselves known with every dull throb of her heart.

A shake of her head, the barest breath of a scoff, was enough to send it all into a tumult.

Beau snarled, Rey stepping forward in challenge. Devin couldn’t bring herself to give a single damn. Shoving at the arm barring her way, she started forward only to have Rey’s arm close in behind her. Slamming her against his broad back as he pivoted to keep her well away from Beau. Inundating her in his scent and heat, senses reeling as the world tried to spin out from under her feet. Rey’s warning growl dismissed, she continued to push at him, twisting in the tightening cage of his arm.

Let them do what they wished. She was done.

“She doesn’t want you, Danny boy,” Beau said, a merciless sneer threading through his voice to slash at the air. “You think playing nice with her now is going to change that?”

“Get. Out.”

“Why? So you can pretend she wants it, that it wasn’t all the shit I gave her that made her beg for you?”

“Gods’ sake, Beau. Don’t do this.” Rey’s arm curled tighter around Devin, lifting her to tiptoes. Carrying her another step forward as if he intended to fight one handed with her crushed against his back. “It doesn’t matter, understand? This is the way it is.”

Devin despised herself all the more for clinging to Rey’s shirt as Beau’s vicious roar reverberated through the dim room. It raked its depraved claws through her, gouging out her fear to play with it. Hiding her whimper against bunched muscles, she felt so in tune with the other Alpha’s violence, she could swear she knew the pattern of events waiting to unfold.

None of it ended well for her.

“She’s no different from the last one, and if you don’t see that, you are as idiotic as you’re acting.”
