Page 49 of Trapped

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This was the sum total of her life.

Rey didn’t even speak as he entered. Calling to her as he shrugged out of his shirt, toeing off his shoes. He was on top of her in seconds. Growling against her neck he as he shoved Devin’s knees wide around the breadth of his hips.

Devin hissed with the first firm thrust. Unprepared for the way he stretched her, how deep he touched within her. The second was no better. Teeth bared, she turned her head aside, hoping that instinct would prevail, that she wouldn’t feel every devastating moment of it.

She never was that lucky.

The brush of lips against hers startled Devin enough she jostled. Jerking away from the unexpected touch, Rey slammed deep and dragged her back into position. Her quiet whine left unnoticed as he twisted her legs up in his arms. Folding Devin in half, forcing her to take the rough slap of his hips.

Another gentle kiss. A taste of cinnamon, raw and scalding. Devin blinked away the tears welling in her eyes to frown at Beau. He never stayed this close. Not anymore. Head thrown back as Rey began a too swift rhythm that battered her insides, she barely felt the line of careful nips down the suffocating arch of her throat.

Turning her to him, Beau crowded close. With a rumbling breath, he claimed her mouth. Invading her with his tongue for a playful tease against hers. Building a careful dance that he alone led as Rey snarled and jerked Devin onto every painful inch.

Rey did nothing but hold her tighter. Bruising pale flesh as he used her body. Confusion swarmed her from all sides. Tearing at her thoughts until she was nothing but sensation. He strangled the bond down to nothing. Her only sense of Rey the crazed tempo of his heart hammering within her.

Whatever piece of herself she held on to, she gave it up. Let go and lost herself in the attention Beau offered her. Gave him the edge of her teeth with a wry tip of her lips as he ravaged her with soft affection.

She never expected it to feel that good. Never thought she’d breathe her low moan into him as she strained to open her legs wider. Slick flowed, her pussy ripe and flushed with a desire she hadn’t felt in too long. Suddenly, Rey’s thick length was perfect, his savage need exhilarating.

Her back tried to arch under the combined weight of their attention, managing to do little more than scrape the taut peaks of her breasts against Rey’s chest. The delicious ache sparked through her in a cascade of glittering lights.

“That’s it, baby,” Beau murmured against her lips before renewing his attack on her senses. Fisting the ragged length of her curls, he angled for a deeper kiss. Moving his mouth over hers with a ravenous hunger that tried to steal her breath.

Devin whimpered against the onslaught. Hips rising from the bed to meet the next thrust of Rey’s hips, she poured her guttural moan deep into Beau’s mouth. Heat swelled from low in her belly, radiating through her chest. One arm wrapped tight around Rey’s shoulders, clinging to him as she bucked into the too much sensation. Impaling herself on the slick length of his shaft as she gave herself over to Beau’s determined assault on her mouth.

Gods, but it was like he fucked her there. So deep, so intense that she felt it all the way down to her toes in tingling threads of pleasure.

Everything was so very different.

Rey noticed it, too. Growing still above her, he shrugged her legs down to his hips to give her the leverage she needed to drive herself up into him. The wet slap of skin loud as it tangled in her groans. Cradling the small of her back, he helped her, pulling her into him for the delicious grind she liked so very much. Feeling him bruise the very end of her, forcing her to take every inch of him. It was glorious.

The simmering heat burst into a wildfire. All control lost in the blaze as two hands cupped her breasts. Cruel pinch, tender kneading. Devin threw her head back with a stuttering cry as the wet heat of a mouth covered her. Biting at the sensitive peak, sucking it hard.

“Gods, please,” Devin keened as her hips lost their rhythm. Pleasure overriding her every sense, she clung to the two men, unsure what she begged for, or even from whom.

A single awkward moment of shifting bodies was all it took. Lips met. A daring tongue stretched out to taste. Devin gasped as Beau jerked back from Rey, blown gaze shifting between them in the too thick tension. With a plaintive growl, she wriggled her hips against Rey to urge him on as she tangled her fingers in their hair and tugged them together.

“Do it,” she whined, curling up to dart her tongue in the breath of space between them. “Let me see.”

Beau groaned as he rushed forward, covering Rey’s mouth. Devin had a front row seat as he teased at the seam of Rey’s lips, pleading for entrance. Breaths hard, Devin couldn’t explain the liquid fire threading through her veins as she waited for his response. Growling deep in his chest, rich umber eyes caught and held Devin’s as Rey opened. She watched as they kissed, long and deep. Their vicious sounds of pleasure thrilled down her spine.

Rey kept his gaze on her the entire time. He refused to close his eyes as he plunged deep inside of her, the cruel thrust rocking Devin. The pleasurable pain seared through her. Hands scrabbling over their shoulders for purchase, she brought her legs higher. Opening more for him.

Rey’s growl was depraved. Wrenching Beau’s body around, he curled an arm around each of them. Holding them tight as he began to fuck Devin in earnest. Slamming into the cradle of her thighs as if he would drive her through the mattress. Refusing to be outdone, Beau pinched and squeezed her breasts, his other arm holding her steady for Rey’s punishing thrusts. Through it all, their mouths ravaged each other.

Devin struggled to keep her eyes open against the glorious bliss pulsing through her. Denied the tight clench of her pussy as she fought for another glimpse of their hard mouths moving against one another. So different, so very the same. Two Alphas fighting for dominance above her.

Her eyes closed on a desperate cry, squeezing tight against the building inferno. Clenching around Rey’s length as the tension built ever higher. Threatening to kill her.

She didn’t know how they got into position, but when Devin opened her eyes, Rey was beneath her. Large hands folded over her hips, he bounced her on his cock to the tempo that made her body come alive.

Humming her praise, her head fell back to Beau’s shoulder as he closed her hand in a tight fist over his throbbing shaft. A muttered curse preceded the crude slap of wetness against the side of her hand, slicking him as her fingers moved to the same brutal rhythm Rey set. He bruised the base of her spine with his urgency, grinding against her soft flesh as he growled and bit at her neck.

“Knot me,” Devin panted as excruciating pleasure tried to bend her double. “Fuck, please, knot me!”

“Say it again, baby. Tell him what you want.”

“Knot me, please, Gods! I want to feel it inside of me.”
