Page 48 of Trapped

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Devin couldn’t believe she’d ever trusted him.

“A choice,” she croaked.

Rey reacted as if she tried to escape. Pulling, gripping, the sharp edge of his nails scraping over her skin. His body devoured her as his mouth came to her shoulder, lips searching for the raw flesh of his mark.

“He offered to give me to you?”

“No. It wasn’t like—”

“What else,” Devin demanded, though she remained pliant under Rey’s hands. Didn’t even flinch as he notched his swollen crown against her entrance. “What else did he promise?”

“Stop, baby,” Beau murmured with a slow shake of his head. Though he stood, it was to retreat. Leaning against the wall, his muddied gaze as bruised as his body.

“You were killing yourself,” Rey rasped against her neck, arms winding around Devin. Locking her in the steely cage of them, though he stopped trying to force his way inside of her. “I said a lot of shit.”

“Did you mean any of it or was it just more lies,” Devin muttered against the twisted sheets.

“I’ve never lied to you.”

She scoffed, and if it were possible, she went even more limp. Melting into the bed until Rey either held himself aloft or crushed her beneath him. She remembered broken snippets. Him making promises, that he’d fucked it all up. That he would fix it, if she’d just give him the chance. According to him, she’d pleaded for him to do just that. Came apart and remolded herself around him, inside of him. Despite the overbearing concern he’d shown a handful of hours ago, it seemed none of it would hold up to scrutiny in the glaring light of day. It only existed as dreamy memories whispered in the empty nothingness.

“You want to fuck him,” Rey shouted, punching his fists into the mattress hard enough to make Devin bounce. “Is that what would make you happy? Get used to being miserable then, because it’s not happening. You. Are. Mine.”


Rey went still above her, so tensed he vibrated as the thick muscles of his arms bunched beside her head. So tired of having to explain herself, trying to make him understand, Devin gave a terse shake of her head and closed her eyes.

Not to be deterred, Rey pressed his lips against her neck and called. The overwhelming reverberation ripped through her as the bond twisted within her chest.

There was no denying him. Instincts prevailed, the snarled knots of the bond opening her to him.

Chapter Fifteen

“You don’t have to do this, you know.”

“But you like it.”

“It’s not you.” Devin grunted as she hauled herself upright in the oversized chair, tugging her foot free of Beau’s firm grasp. He’d taken to rubbing them, despite the fact she almost never walked anywhere. Carried from bed to table to the sitting room, her feet scarce touched the ground.

“How would you know?” Lips a vicious slash, he turned the glacial blue of his gaze to the windows before Devin could inspect them too far.

“I know you don’t like this anymore than I do.”

“I could see if he’ll let us go for another drive and—”

“And he’ll say no. Again. Then fuck me for hours, leaving me unable to even drag myself out of bed.” Devin’s shoulders twitched in a shrug. Not accepting so much as resigned to her new fate. There was no use in fighting it anymore. Rey got what he wanted in the end, and it hurt her far more to keep failing.

When she’d damaged the bond, she thought she didn’t want a mate at all. Refusing to be broken by a man who swore he loved her. The Gods had seen fit to give her exactly what she asked for. He was her mate in name only, breathed life into her lungs, held her heart in his callous hands, but that was it. What she wouldn’t give for the man who had raged and shouted at her about his love in the beginning, determined to crush her beneath his will. At least then they’d spoken, even if it was in anger.

She sensed him long before hearing the hiss of tires on the drive. The thump of the car door closing slammed around her skull, not quite drowning out his stomping footsteps. Chest tight, the iron bands of tension squeezing her breaths to halting gasps, she waited for the jingle of keys, the creak of the cold hinges from the front door.

“Come on, baby,” Beau murmured with a tug at her limp fingers.

He drew her from the chair, letting the fluffy blanket fall. Leading her to the bedroom, pulling at her hand as Devin tried to stall. Bare feet stuttered over the floor as she dug in her heels before he tumbled her into the cold, sticky sheets.

Rey kept them well scented. Her, too. A constant film of his release worked into her skin as if she were in heat. A line tried to form between her brows, the thought begging a question she couldn’t quite pull free of the disinterest she met everything with now.

There was food. A bath, never a shower. Sex. The strained moments alone with Beau, and he’d become far less candid with her after the vicious fight with Rey.
