Page 21 of Forfeit

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Rey glared at Beau, holding Devin tighter as he moved them away from Beau’s encroaching strides.

“Don’t get all pissed off again,” Beau said, grabbing a plate and loading it up with mounds of food. “Besides, she made enough to feed an army. Didn’t know she cooked like this. I could get used to it.”

“You never will. Get out.” Rey hauled Devin with him, aiming for the bedroom.

“What’s going on?” Devin tried to twist free, brow furrowed as she caught the cold glint in Beau’s pale blue eyes.

“I want all of you out of here now,” Rey snarled as he pulled Devin around and picked her up.

Forcing her legs around his waist when she tried to squirm free, a handful of stomping strides brought them back to the relative privacy of the bedroom. Devin could still hear the others. The low, rumbling murmur of Beau’s voice directing them came clear from the rest. Even from behind the closed door, she could feel his agitation. The stilted movements and vibrating tension rippling through Rey’s stiff body mirrored it.

“What the hell is going on?” Dropped to her feet in the bathroom, Devin shoved at Rey’s chest to gain his attention.

He continued to ignore her. Fussing over the temperature of the water then peeling away their clothes, he hushed her every demand as he dragged her into the shower. When she wouldn’t be silenced with his soft touches, Rey growled low in his chest.

Hands on her shoulders, it took him nothing to drive Devin to her knees. Caught between the slick tiles and Rey’s implacable strength, she whined as his shadow enveloped her. Uncertainty careened into fear as she turned her eyes up to meet the cold, hard mask of his face.


A single barked demand, Devin complied even as tears began gathering on the clumped line of her lashes. Velvety smooth skin slid between her lips, caressing her tongue as Rey eased into her mouth. He didn’t shove to the back of her throat. There was nothing violent about the way he rocked his hips to fill her mouth over and over again. Rey spread the earthy sweetness of his arousal over her tongue and let it decimate her one stroke at a time.

He was her mate. She knew every nuance of his taste and scent. Every inch of his body an intimate map in her mind that her hands knew where to touch. Even as a salty tear coursed down her cheek, she moaned and worked her tongue against the smooth thickness of him.

Devin cried out as he wrenched her up from the floor, shoving her flat against the wall with her back to him. She didn’t understand for a handful of seconds until Rey gripped her hips. Lifting her up and holding her steady, he bent at the knees.

A single thrust buried him to the hilt.

Devin shrieked in a confused mix of pain and need. She wasn’t wet enough to take the violent slap of his hips so soon, the rough friction too painful to twist its way into pleasure. It was him though, and even as she clung to the tiles now wet with her tears, Devin struggled to open to Rey’s vicious thrusts.

Not that he gave her much choice. Gripping her hips hard enough to dimple the skin, Rey kept her pinned to the wall. Holding her in place for his ruthless assault, he growled and snarled at her back. He scraped his teeth over her skin, peppering her shoulders and nape with cruel bites.

The coppery scent of blood cleared Devin’s thoughts some. Slamming the sides of her fists against the porcelain tiles, she gave voice to a wordless scream of denial. Shaking her head dislodged Rey’s mouth where he sought his claiming mark. She refused to be bitten again. Not while he acted like this.

“Stop it, Daniel,” she shouted, tongue thick in her mouth as he released a frenzied call against her neck. Even as she arched into the sound, Devin fought against the sudden slick glide of his cock into her.

“You are my mate,” he bit out. “You will take what I give you.”

“Not like this!” Devin sobbed, the hot ash of his anger flooding her lungs on every ragged breath. “Don’t make me hate you.”

“I am trying to protect you,” Rey yelled, punctuating every word with a savage thrust, driving Devin up the wall only to drag her back down into the next.

“From what,” she demanded in a desperate scream that spiraled into a shrill cry as he ground in too deep.

“From yourself,” he rasped.

Her thoughts made an audible click somewhere in her mind. This was some kind of punishment. A reminder of who she belonged to. Whatever incited his anger, it hadn’t been her. As the realization came, Devin went limp in his grip. She no longer struggled or braced for the painful impact of his full weight coming into her. Sliding against the wet tiles, she stared at some far-off point. She was nothing more than a vessel to take his frustrations.

A breath hissed through her teeth as the base of his cock began to swell. He worked the burgeoning knot in and out of her entrance, the painful tug making her eyes water. As he ground in deep, locking in behind her pelvic bone, Devin closed her eyes. Only then did he seem to realize she wasn’t fighting him anymore and there was no twisting of slick muscle to wring his knot.

Rey’s breaths were ragged, chest heaving as he plastered his body against hers. His arms came around her in an awkward embrace, the shifting knot making her wince amid his whispered apologies for her discomfort.

Devin bared her teeth at him as he tried to slide a hand over her hip, a growl rattling through her chest as he sought her clit. It would take longer for the knot to abate, for his come to stop filling her in scalding waves, but she wanted no part of him.

“I just want to keep you safe. There’s too much going on right now, and it’s making it harder and harder to do that.” Rey’s voice was a desolate whisper as it swept over her chilled neck, his arms tightening until he gave nothing but pain.

Devin remained silent, refusing to acknowledge him. It didn’t matter what happened to make him angry. The problem was he took it out on her, and he wasn’t even understanding that.

“Kahler wanted to keep you there, a companion for his mate. He thought if you were claimed by someone else, someone she knew, she’d accept you. Something’s wrong with Quinn. She’s not like she was when I knew her at the club.” Rey nuzzled the soft patch of skin behind her ear, brushing a kiss against it. When Devin remained listless, he sighed. “Beau said I should do it.”
